When it started

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A seven year old Rosayln was doing her usual for a young shadowhunter studying her gray book brushing up on her rune studies . " Rosalyn come here now" her mother karate shouted. Her mother was very strict but she still loved her . In fact she loved all her family her older brother jace,Alec and max and of course her sister Izzy. She quickly snapped out her daydream and replied with "Coming". Rose happily skipped down to her mother's office only to be met with two cold stares from unrecognised shadowhunters ."Sit down"her mother said her stern voice was more horribly frightening then usual . She quickly scrambled over to the chair. " Rosayln these two men are from the reform special shadowhunter centre in Egypt. " Ok why are they here ?" Rosalyn asked slightly confused . " To take you away ' rosaylns eyes widened and her pulse quickened" WHAT!! NO" she tried to run but two strong arms held her down. " Look at you you pathetic little girl so worthless and stupid you will never be a proper shadowhunter " her mother stated with disgust . Her eyes started to water with tears . " See all you do is cry that is why we have to do this you will leave now I have already told your siblings that you have been chosen for a children undercover mission for 9 months after that hopefully they will have fixed you by then " " What no how could you do this your my mum ".
" Oh please I would rather die then be forced to look at you and raise you I hate you and you will never be my daughter now it is time for you to go " . Suddenly a portal appeared and she was yanked of her chair she immediately kicked and screamed and begged for her not to do this" I'll do better I'll be better " but no response only silence Suddenly she was dragged through a portal. That was three years ago three three years when her hell started.

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