Conference Alert! ⚠️

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Hey everyone I came here to tell y'all about my work of stories.

Since the transformers Cybertron sequel but I having a hard time cause Age Of Starscream is gonna be much longer but I know about the series Bee and Sam coming but other one.....I'm not quite sure when it's gonna be over sorry.

But The trains and the rangers and robots I mean COME ON! I'm sorry.

But during the time I'm clearly In trouble!

I know you wanna see bee and Sam but turn out it's like making series but Here I know for the rangers I don't know what to do cause using the Zords and... fighting the other giant robots but I not sure because I dont Wanna say the the giant robots name please don't.

But I'm spent about time to make these stories for life. But trains and robots and rangers what's next in this serious stories.

And thank you video make me like I don't know.

But on to the stuff I'm busy about.

I'm now focusing on marvel studios stories and 1 Thing of my stories I like creating Marvel stories! Yeah!


But I'm gonna Akers stories till I get to The Story Of WandaVision! Because there's a new Couple and I dont Wanna mess up.

Oh back to transformers. Unicron is still out there he need to be destroyed.

Transformers Cybertron and Ever After High: Age Of StarscreamWhere stories live. Discover now