are you kidding me?

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"I bought food, y/f/r," Theo smiled. "Thanks, I guess," I said, getting a To-go container. "Is that Liam's hoodie?" Theo randomly said. "Huh? Oh yeah, it was the only extra shirt Stiles had in his car." I walked over to get a fork and Theo seemed mad. Weird. "Anyway, thanks for the food, bye," I said, going to my room.

While I was eating, I got a FaceTime from Liam; not even thinking about it, I answered it.

"Hey Y- wait, how'd you get my hoodie?" Liam asked, and I nearly choked on my food. "It was in Stiles' car, and I needed a dry shirt," I said, kinda nervous.
"It looks good on you," Liam smiles. "It's kinda big, though," I say, standing up to show him. "It is big, yeah," he laughs.

After a few hours of FaceTiming, Hayden calls him,
And he answered it, hanging up with me... so I called Stiles.

"Dude, he hung up with me to talk to Hayden," I say into my phone. "Are you kidding me?! I wonder why," stiles questioned, and I sighed. "Being single forever is starting not to look so bad," I tried to laugh. "No, no, no, I have an idea." "Do I wanna know?" "Yes, because it'll work for both of us." "Okay, what's your idea?" "We fake date, make Liam jealous and come to you, and it'll make Malia jealous and come to me," Stiles smiled. "Dude, this is why you come up with the plans," I smiled. "Sooo babe imma pick you up for school tomorrow." "Thanks, bitch," I laughed, and Stiles did too. "I gotta sleep, bye, stiles," I said, sitting on my bed. "You should shower first; knowing you, you still have your jeans on," he laughed, and I didn't say anything. "You do... don't you." "Yeah... Imma shower, bye stiles." "Bye, Y/nnnn."

After we hung up, I ran into my bathroom, and showered, got my pajamas on, and I climbed into my bed. This was the first night that I fell right asleep.

"Y/n! Wake up! I made waffles!" Theo yelled from the kitchen. "Huh?! What?" I said before rolling out of my bed onto my lacrosse bag. "OW, OH MY GOD," I yelled, rubbing my arm. I heard Theo running to my room. "Oh god, are you okay?" Theo ran over to me. "What happened?" "Your yelling woke me up and scared me; therefore, I fell off my bed," I sat up, still rubbing my arm. "Well, good thing it's your left arm," Theo said, gently looking at it. "It hurts, T," I said, trying not to cry. Theo holds my wrist, taking the pain. "Thanks, Theo," I kinda smile. "anytime, and you know, no matter what, you're my best friend, and I'm sorry I've been ignoring you and not telling you stuff," Theo says, hugging me. "Yeah, I know, but you do know that your waffles are burning, right?" I laugh, and Theo looks at me before bolting into the kitchen, screaming, "NOT MY WAFFLES NO, MY BABIES." I got up and walked into the kitchen, and I heard someone knocking at the door. "Theo, they're waffles, not children," I laughed, opening the door, seeing Stiles.

"Hey bitch, you're just in time for burnt waffles," I laugh, and Stiles smiles before looking shocked. "What happened to your arm?! IT'S PURPLE," stiles freaked, and then I realized how bad it was. "Theo yelled at me to wake up, and it scared me out of my sleep, causing me to fall off my bed onto my lacrosse bad," I said lightly, rubbing my arm.

"Which I told you to move," Theo laughed, putting a plate of waffles on the counter. "Yeah yeah, but we can't afford a hospital bill, so I'll just suck it up," I said, eating a waffle. "Let's just go see Melissa and Dr. Geyer; Liam is probably still there; we can give him a ride," Stiles smirked, and Theo dropped a plate. "Uh, yeah, let's go, and be careful, Theo, wolf healing and all," I say, grabbing my backpack and lacrosse bag dropping it almost immediately. "Okay, you broke your arm, let's go," Stiles said, getting both of my bags. "I'll text you when I get to school. See you later lil bro," I smile, hearing a scoff from Theo. "You're two minutes older, now shoo," Theo laughs, pushing us out the door. "see you at school," Theo said before slamming the door.

"wonder why his panties are in a twist," I jokingly say, getting into the Jeep. "I think he likes Liam too," Stiles laughs. I think for a good five minutes. "Holy shit, I think you're right," I say, looking out the window as Stiles pulled into the hospital parking lot. "You think? What did he say about the hoodie?" Stiles questioned as we got out. "He knew it was his, and he seemed angry almost." "Dude, he likes him too," Stiles gasps.

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