Taiga's Miscommunication

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'Twas the first time Ryuuji and Taiga would be apart since Taiga reconnected with her mother. Taiga had complained to Ryuuji, but not how a lover would normally:

"You're going where?!" Taiga rebuked, despite having quite clearly heard him.

Ryuuji nodded his head. "Yup, I'll be at a food charity, sponsored by my club, from Friday through Sunday in order to help the less fortunate parts of Japan."

"Wait...a food charity? What the heck are you talking about?"

"My cooking club is taking a train to a food charity, which is really just a place for the homeless to receive a good meal. It's completely optional, but it looks good for college and future jobs."

Taiga's fingers began to tingle. "Wait a second...you can skip school on Friday without being count absence? Why am I not in this club?"

"I asked you if you wanted to join the cooking club," Ryuuji reminded Taiga, "but you said that there was no way. And we don't get to just skip school: we're too young to cook, but we will be there to help serve the charity. It's a great cause, really."

"Oh yeah, it's great," Taiga huffed, arms crossed and a distant stare. "So now the poor will get food, but I'll be stuck with nothing."

"Actually, I did think about you, so I made extra food for you to have over the weekend, if you'd like it. I wouldn't want my girlfriend to starve, now, would I?"

Taiga rolled her eyes at his thoughtfulness, wearing a false bravado. Ryuuji, sensing the rolling of her eyes, smiled at her stubbornness.

Though, no matter however much Ryuuji was devoted in his relationship, he must admit: it was getting a little annoying.

It was odd, intriguing, and tiring all in one. Taiga's stubbornness, her hostility, drove Ryuuji to her. It showed that, clearly, Ryuuji had an effect on her. Yet it also frustrated him, as it felt like Taiga was not fully herself around him. While Ryuuji could read Taiga better than anyone else, a result of spending much time together, he didn't want to have to read her. It had been better, though, ever since she returned. But as they say, old habits die hard.

"Quit your huffing, Taiga; I know you'll be just alright. And if something happens, like I said, you can give me a call."

"Fine!" Taiga exclaimed as she quickened her pace on their walk to school.

Ryuuji sighed, "I don't think I'll ever understand the likes of Taiga Aisaka," as he ran to catch up to his girlfriend.

Taiga got easily frustrated by Ryuuji. It was quite unfair, actually, that Ryuuji could say the things that he says, do the things that he does, without any consequence at all. There had to be someone to bring justice into the world, and that someone was Taiga.

She never meant to have a sharp attitude at Ryuuji, but he left her with no choice. It was instinct upon response, and Ryuuji must've understood that, yet he still frustrated her all the time.

She tried, really tried, to have emotional conversations with Ryuuji, and they had multiple times. She understood the importance after reconnecting with her mother. But it didn't make it any less hard. She tried to act lovey-dovey, but she nearly hurled when she tried. Of course when they kissed, she had felt something in her heart, but it was strange, and a little frightening. She concluded: It just wasn't her.

She didn't know what was her. Was her cynical attitude her true personality? It clearly seemed to be around Ryuuji, but was there any romance hidden in her heart? Was her cynical attitude a shield of her real emotions, and Ryuuji was coming in conflict with that shield? Perhaps she was actually meant to be a free-loving, romantic fantasizer.

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