Growing Warmth and a Cold Night

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Xavier and Rose's path sloped upward almost immediately so the pair had to journey up a hill for some time with nothing to talk about as they trekked up the steep hill.

They finally reached the top of the hill and could see that the path they were on was full of bends and incredibly narrow as it wrapped around a large mountain.

"I hope you aren't afraid of heights." Xavier mused.

Rose frowned. "I'm not but I don't think these paths have been maintained so I'm not confident taking this path. It's way too narrow."

Xavier didn't want to turn around right away when it made all the sense in the world to hide the rare gem on the dangerous path. "Figure you could teleport us a ways ahead?"

Rose attempted to gauge the distance with just her eyesight. "I'm not sure. It'd be pretty risky since I can't see past the mountain."

"Well how about this," Xavier extended his arm and conjured a platform made from ice into the sky around where the trail curved behind the mountain. The cold air was easy to bend to his will and held strong in the sky. "Aim for that platform."

Rose took Xavier's hand and they zipped from one point of the mountain to the large platform that Xavier had conjured. The pirate was able to get his bearings and see that there was a safe space that the path led down to after going around the mountain.

Rose wordlessly grasped Xavier's hand again and the duo warped to the large safety zone and looked around. A barren tree hung over them and they could see the path lead down to some sort of man-made area.

"Since we're so ahead of schedule, how about we rest up a bit?" Xavier offered. All the magic usage from earlier in the day had exhausted him and the captain could tell his Kingston companion was even more worn down.

They sat down on some stumps of long-dead trees and enjoyed the serene atmosphere of the mountain path. "This is the kind of thing that made me homesick while out at sea," Xavier commented. "I love being on the open ocean but sometimes I just need to be grounded, ya know?"

Rose nodded. "Growing up on Kingston, I had acres of woods to explore and have fun in because the island is so large. The mainland is beautiful in its own way but it never felt quite right compared to being at home."

Xavier saw Rose frown and could tell she was saddened. "Well, soon enough we'll have you home. This is all almost over. And it'll be different no doubt, but it'll also be the same in ways."

"It's been so long. I was supposed to go back for my 20th birthday to visit but both father and I were so busy that before this past week I hadn't been to the isles in 8 years. And yet so much is still the same from when I was 15." Rose recounted. "I just hope I can enjoy being home with everything that's changed."

Xavier glanced at her. "What do you mean, lass?"

She sighed. "I made up my mind a while back that I was going to do everything I could as soon as I got home to advocate for the nations that Kingston is occupying and I imagine it's going to upset just about everyone in the nobility. But I don't even care. I know there are people on Kingston who can see the truth and if I can get them on my side we might be able to do real good."

"I bet the ongoing conflict that is control of Caros flaring up will persuade plenty of people." Xavier added, "And once I get my crew and ship back I'm going to be doing whatever I can to support Centrixia which will hopefully further your cause."

It felt good to state his desire to free Centrixia to Rose. The girl glanced at him with her shining jade eyes and softly smiled. "Good to know you won't be out of this game when this is all over either."

The Isles of Ice Book One: The Corrupted KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now