1)the big news

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The sound of my mum shouting my name awaked me . I quickly shoved my quilt off of me and ran down the stairs in my pjs to the shouts of my mums voice it sounded urgent.
She was sat on one of the coach's looking stressed and worried
"Good morning love please sit down we need to talk."
I didn't say anything in return but quickly sat down still staring at her to hear the news the look of worry also washed over my face as I was quite scared
"What's wrong mum."
"Me and your father has made a decision."
By this I knew she meant that my dads made a decision
"Ok.. what is it."
"We're sending you to a boarding school."
Tears swelled around my eyes I always move schools but not to a boarding school she can't just ship me off.
"Darling you have to understand."
"No I'm not going."
"Your father said and your fathers word is final."
No one in the family would ever speak up to my dad if my mum tried he would beat her black and blue and same with me my brother was the only person who could really stand up to him but he turned in to a druggie and doesn't really care,we used to be close as children until he reached his second year in highschool but since then we grew apart.
"Did u even try fight him or did you just nod and smile like always."
"No IS THAT HOW MUCH I MEAN TO YOU—you would just give me up like that."
I began to lose my temper even tho I knew it wasn't her fault really.
"If you want to argue go argue with your father."
Stomping out of the living room to my dads office I heard my mum begin to sob I felt bad but she should of defended me approaching his office I began to regret my decision but it was to late now
I knocked on the door and waited for a response
After a while I didn't hear one so I just walked in
There he was a cigarette in his left hand and his feet on the desk
"What do you want,have you come to say your goodbyes."
"No I just-."
"You just what?"
"Why dad I don't want to go."
I began to step toward now at the edge of his desk
He took his cigarette and twisted it in the ashtray before standing
"This is exactly why you entered with out permission and now your trying to boss me about with your attitude."
He began to take steps towards me
"Are you still deciding to argue because if you want me to remind you why not to I can."
I began to take steps back stepping away from him
"No that won't be necessary I'll be leaving,goodbye father."
"Goodbye beautiful."
I quickly spun myself around and sped towards the down closing it behind me
It's no use I have to go

My bags were packed and I was ready to leave did I want to no did I have a choice ..no
I was still angry at her
I took my suitcase off the bed and drug it out the hallway
"Here I'll get that for you."
He knew I was leaving too, my own fucking brother
"Do what you like."
I was about to March off down the stair before my brother spoke
"Text me if you need me,also it might be good for you."
It was reassuring that I could text someone in this family but I still hate them all.
Once my stuff was in the car and my mum was ready we began the ride she would shut up apologising saying she won't forgive herself and how much she loves me but I don't care she still did it it means nothing what she says
I do think she's being dramatic it's only a boarding school she's acting as if I've just been sent of to death row but I guess she's sending her daughter of to never be seen again because I know I'm never going to visit her. The rest of the drive was silent I just watched the cars pass by until we pulled up to this huge building
Oh my god it huge
Maybe it won't be to bad after all.
The parking lot was empty so it was easy to find a space
"Goodbye my-"
I slammed the door behind me cutting off my mums words before getting my suitcase out the boot and slamming that door too then heading to the main entrance

 The parking lot was empty so it was easy to find a space "Goodbye my-"I slammed the door behind me cutting off my mums words before getting my suitcase out the boot and slamming that door too then heading to the main entrance

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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