t r u e a r t

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   Pitbull was nervous. Don't get them wrong, they were excited, they were anticipating their debut through their debut single, "Castaways", but their nerves were driving them mad. The fear of the public's reaction weighing them down. They need a place to relax. A place to calm down.

It's a good thing they already have a place for that.

It may sound odd, but the dressing room was that place for them. A place to relax, to calm. So there they went. To the dressing room they go.

As Pitbull gets to the dressing room, they look around, making sure everything is in place. The red curtain, blocking out the rest of the world, the trunk of outfits, clothing, and accessories untouched, and, most notably, the mirror spotted with fingerprints. That got their head worrying.

They hadn't left any fingerprints on that mirror. So who had? What were they doing there? Why were they there? Then they heard the harsh, rough swish of the red curtain being pushed aside and the world being allowed back into their reality.

Pitbull turned to the curtain and looked to whom had entered. A face they vaguely recognised. "... Hello? Who are you?" Pitbull asks in a slight panic.

The stranger looked a bit surprised. "Oh! My name is Alex. Everyone calls me Quackity, though. Aaand you are Pitbull!" Quackity replies.

"Why are you in my dressing room," Pitbull asks, sounding more of a reprimand than a question.

"Uh. Well. About that..." Quackity starts.

"We're going on a date now," Pitbull states. "Huh," was Quackity's brilliant response.


"Wow... This is so romantic!" Quackity shouts.

"I know, I chose it special for us. But try to keep your voice down, this is still a restroom after all," Pitbull says, blushing a bit, getting back to work on nicely arranging the picnic.

"You're so sweet! I never would've thought of a bathroom picnic!" Quackity replies, heating Bulldog's cheeks more.

"Hey who the fuck is having a picnic in the bathroom. What the fuck. Why." Deadpool says, coming out of a bathroom stall. "If youre gonna go on a fucking date like this, I'm joining in." Deadpool states, leaving no room for negotiation. "Oh. Um. Sure I-I guess..." Quackity says, a blushing mess.

Even though Pitbull was now the love of his life, his first love was Deadpool. A part of Quackity's heart still and always will belong to him and his sexy sex jokes. He would never be able to move on, no matter how hard he tried. Hence how flustered he was.

But then, the unspeakable happened. Deadpool went to sit down. With how many times Quackity watched Pool's movies, he knows the shape of his butt. And that was not his butt. "You aren't Deadpool." Quackity accuses.

Pool's eyes widen in shock and surprise, before his face settles into a sly expression. "Well, well, well. You got me there." He says. Then... Then he grabs the sides of his sexy sexy suit, and rips it apart hotly.

Underneath? Just as Quackity had suspected, it was Kim K. Pitbull was shocked. He never would've suspected such deception. Such horrid and blatant lies.

Then, Kim pulls knives out from a place. And what a place it was. It had such intricate weapons, the knives she carried carved and detailed intricately and beautifully, still eliciting extreme disturbing energy.

"Now... Quackity, you have done something very vague to indirectly harm me one time. Prepare to die!" She shouts, panicking Quackity.

He remembered that one vague thing he'd done that one time a while ago. He had wished he had never done that horrendous, vague action. Now, he would pay for it.

"NO!" He could barely hear from Pitbull. The blood rushing to his ears was too loud to look past. He could only focus on the knives. They shaped into tiny, metal wolfish creatures, and headed right towards him.

In that moment, Pitbull's vigorous reflex training paid off. They caught the werewolf knives between theri index and middle fingers. Pitbull flicked the knives back to Kim, stabbing her in the head and successfully cutting off her fingers.

They turned back to Quackity, getting on their knees. "Quackity... We've been through so much together and I could never imagine being with someone else. I love you. I live for you. Will you marry me?" They ask.


And they both lived happily ever after, before they were both hit by a bus that was brought in from Michigan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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