The Fear of the Lady in the Mirror

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Stacy was a young girl whom everyone suspected was normal; young, childish, immature, innocent. That wasn't the case however, seeing as she had a fear far different from those that you've heard from any other 10 year old.

Most kids were afraid of the dark or a supposed "monster" hiding under the bed or somewhere in the room, but Stacy feared something far creepier and horrific than a childish imagination. She had what was called Mythophobia. The fear of urban legends.

However, she knew that those "legends" could be real. She wasn't crazy. She knew that they could be real from her own experience.

The one she knew was "alive" was the one and only Queen Mary I, otherwise known as Bloody Mary. Now, Stacy was very introverted and hadn't made many friends. Most left her to chat with their friends and she usually was alone. Not only that, she hadn't ever known that summoning the urban legend was actually a game.

She believed that she was cursed, but had no explanation or reasoning as to why though. She was scared of the phantom-ghost enough to not look into mirrors nor have one of her own in her room.

She heard the legend from many adults about how she would reform people's face, kill their bodies without leaving any trace, drinking their blood until they became as pale as paper, or just taking their souls just to crush them and rid of a girl's life.

Stacy was horrified after finding out who the mysterious person in her reflection actually was. It was a ghostly murderer who preyed on girls and women. To make matters worse, Stay was in fact a young 10 year old girl.

She was constantly told to just give herself a look in the mirror and most of the time, she denied that request. That is, until her parents forced her to do so. They took her to a shop and bought her a new dress. It was simple, but held dreadful futuristic events.

When Stacy tried it on, her mother dragged her to the bathroom, plopping the girl onto the counter. "Look at the mirror," her mother ordered.

Hesitantly, Stacy glanced at herself in the mirror. She looked nice in the outfit, but unlike the past few times she had seen Bloody Mary in her reflection, this time, the legend herself was smiling at the girl.

The legend mouthed, "Don't be afraid of me. You will have a happy future. Don't play the game that summons me though unless you want your future to be crippled and for you to wither away like a flower without water."

The young girl felt a slight weight lift off her as the legend herself had reassured her and slowly melted away, leaving Stacy to see her own reflection like she had seen before fearing the image and woman herself, Bloody Mary.

Her fear of the Lady in the Mirror had finally dwindled to nothing. Finding comfort in her reflection. 

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