Pilot Pt. 2

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Wrapped in rusty and shiny, locking strong, imperial chains; there Amore and Mason stood. Mason started to awaken from his drug induced slumber. "(Cough, Cough) Amore? Amore, you still with me? (Cough)" He mumbled as he continued his very hoarse cough. "Hey, Amore?" He tries to stretch his arm towards her, but is immediately stopped by the chains holding his arms in place. On each side of his body, the chains held each of his four limbs. Once his eyes start to adapt to the dark, damp room, he fidgets with his body in a failed attempt to get it released from these chains. "Amore! Wake up, we've gotta get out of here." He belted. Amore breaks out of her sleep as a response to the noise he had been making. "(Cough) Mason, what's going on?" She soon realized as she attempted to move her body that she, too, had been placed under locks. "I don't know. All I remember was someone had hit me in my head really bad when I came to get you out of the school. But…" "But then you realized the killer drew you into a trap." She interrupted. Mason gazes at her in confusion. "He did the same to me. He told me you were trapped at Freddy's. Dang it, if we're here who knows what he has done to our other friends." She starts to yank the chains with all of her strength, but still fails to get them loose. "Damn it. It's no use." Mason shouts to her. Abruptly, the door that stood in an upright position right in front of them, started to swing open. A sharp, hard, nonresonant sound, like that produced by two pieces of metal striking one against the other, filled the air as it got closer. A dark figure had visually become compelling to the eye of Mason and Amore, as they watched as it got closer.  "Mason, what's that?" Amore started to breathe more heavily, nearly as if she was hyperventilating. An expression of awe plastered itself on Mason's face. "It's a chainsaw. Damn it, it's a chainsaw." They both start pulling the chains, but they wouldn't budge once again. "AHHHHHHHH!" They two screamed, then the room fell silent.

~Hendrickson High's Hallway~
~10:45 a.m.~
~Cynthia's point of view~

"Damn, these hallways are long…" I thought to myself. "This school should really consider bringing our classes closer, so we wouldn't have to walk a marathon to get to them." I may have sprouted out in medium volume. After five minutes of walking, my phone began to ring obnoxiously loud. After an attempt to ignore it, I eventually pulled it out of my front right pocket. "Hmm, an unknown caller… I wonder who that could be." I immediately clicked the decline bar, and shoved the thing back into my pocket. One thing for certain is I do not answer unknown calls anymore, not after that time where my mom called from an unregistered number and faked an apology just to get into our house and steal money from my dad to purchase more of her "coping mechanisms" as she called it. I rolled my eyes and continued to my class. And this class just so happens to be one of the most dreadful, irksome, and appalling places on campus.

~10 Minutes Later~

"Ladies, KEEP IT MOVING! No slouching! Cheer and Track tryouts are next week and I'm expecting to see most of you there." Coach Thessa yelled out as she blew her blaring silver beaded whistle.

That's right, that place is the gym. And yes, it's the worst experience of this hell. Girls start falling to the floor; fatigued and barely catching their breaths. "Did I say sit back down and take a break? Do you think the men are laying around on their asses? Up on your feet NOW!" My classmates reluctantly obeyed.

Gosh, she pissed me off. And I wasn't the only one, trust me, necks were popping and eyes were rolling.

Pacing around this heavily sweaty diluted jungle gym, someone approached me. "Gosh, is it just me or is she getting nastier?" One gorgeous girl with long brown curls and a fit body asks. And I responded with something I typically wouldn't say. "(Laughs) I know right, she's probably still pressed her man dropped her to Megan Thee Stallion's ass cheeks." We both exploded with laughter. "Oh and I'm Amore by the way." She introduced herself whilst out of breath. "Amore? Wait, Amore Martinez?" She nods. "Like Soccer Superstar of Hendrickson Amore?" "In the flesh." She giggled. "And you're Cynthia, right? You're kind of a legend." She laughed, picking up her pace a little. "Thank you... I try-" Before I can finish my response, I'm interrupted by an alarm.

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