Alike - Chapter 6

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Shinichi showed his guest the room for the night. He quickly told him where the toilet is and where his own room is incase Kuroba needs him.
The magician nodded at the information.
Kudo left his friend alone and went to his own room.
When arriving there he put down the necklace next to the monocle of KID that had just been laying there all day.
He took it into his hand and layed down, shifting it in the light of a lamp and just staring at it. He was thinking. When was he not doing that. Normally a case leaves his mind as soon as its solved, or in case of the phantom, as soon as he's out of sight. Something felt fishy about this whole situation.

Two knocks could be heard at the door before it opened. Kaito peeked inside.
"I don't want to bother you, but I'll probably leave very early tomorrow. I wanted to ask if we could exchange numbers?"  He smiled.
The magician took a closer look at his rival. He was laying on the bed and held up his monocle.
'I thought he'd throw it away. Meitantei is full of suprises.'

"Exchanging numbers with KID personally, sure." The detective said in a monotone voice and sat up straight.

The magician froze for a second before remembering his pokerface.
"I'm not KID, I'm way cooler then him! You sound like Hakubastard, he also keeps accusing me for no reason."

"I was just joking, I wanted to see your reaction." The detective said and stood up now.

'Hakuba-kun wouldn't shoot out assumptions like that at anyone if he wasn't 100% sure.'
"KID and I look odly similar. So do you. Plus, you are a magician just like he is.
Thinking about it, you even use the same cards as him. When talking about KID before you were odly quite. You seem to be more of a noisy person to be honest." Shinichi explained.

"Wow Meitantei, a prize for fantasy. Not my fault I've been born with this face. There are a lot of magicians in the world, even just in japan there are countless. You can buy cards at any store, who knows how many of these have been sold. And you barely know me yet, you can't know how noisy and how quite I am!" He turned around, crossed his arms and let out a loud and annoyed 'Hmpf'

Shinichi just stared at him for a little.
"If you didn't want to exchange numbers, you could have just said that instead of acting like a second Hakuba who assumes the same with no proof. You detectives are all the same."
The magician made an attempt to leave.

"Wait up Kuroba-kun. I didn't mean to make you mad. All I said was that you and KID are a lot alike. I didn't want to make you feel offended by that, really." The detective said, "of course we can exchange numbers." Shinichi pulled out his phone so he could save his friends number in it.
Kaito just said his number out of memory without even thinking about it for a split second.
The detective thought while typing in the given number.
Shorty after doing that he told the magician his number. That one didn't even write it down. "I have good memory, I'll just remember it." He answeard when Shinichi asked.

'Of course he has great memory, like that thief. Why wouldn't he.'

"Well, I'm going to sleep. Want me to wake you up tomorrow or can you get up by yourself?" The teenager yawned.
"Usually Aoko screams across the neighbourhood to wake me up. I should be good waking up by myself." The other one shrugged.
"Good night Meitantei!" He said and left the room, closing the door behind him.

'Even calling me Meitantei, that guy has nerves. But without a proof there is nothing I can do about it. Poor Hakuba, had to deal with this guy for ages now.' The detective thought and sighned.

"All I need is proof." He said to himself. He pulled out the monocle again and looked at it in the light. "And I might actually have a plan."

'Maybe going into his closer circle in my civilian form wasn't my best idea. The cards I use are actually unique. I should be way more careful around him.' The magician thought while standing behind the detectives door for a minute.
"All I need is proof. And I might actually have a plan." He heard the detective say on the other side before leaving the door and going to the guest room.
"I really don't want to have another detective on my tail, one is more then enough." He sighned.
'A lot alike my alter ego? Only the things that I'm not able the change. I never wanted to be KID,  but what other way is there to take revenge for my father."
Kaito went in the room given to him by the detective. He went to sleep just minutes after.

Shinichi sneaked into the guest room around an hour after the magician left his room. He usually doesn't do stuff like this but it might be his only way to proof Kuroba being the phantom thief.

'Of course he is a noisy sleeper. KID is aswell.' He looked at the teen that he though was a worldwide known thief.
The detective put something into the other boys backpack. He put in the monocle to be exact. He attached his tracking device to it so it wouldn't be noticed.
'If KID ever does another heist, and is wearing this exact monocle. That'll be the proof Kuroba, bet on it!' He grinned with confidence.

"Kid is gone...he won't return." The magician mumbled sleepy.
Shinichi froze for a second, not expecting Kaito to be awake.
He turned around just to see his rival still dead aseep.
"I'm sorry... Meitantei..." he mumbled again. He was shaking. A nightmare?
"I should have done what I promised..."

The magician sounded like he was in pain.
Shinichi walked over to the bed. He wanted to comfort the teen. The detective wasn't the best when it comes to comforting others, without waking them up would make it even harder.
He sighned on the verge of leaving.
"Please- don't go..." the young magician seemed to be on the edge of crying.
'What could he be dreaming of that'd make him so sad?' The detective thought.

He layed a hand on the wild haired boys head and pet it gently. "I'm here don't worry." He whispered in a soft voice.

Kaito opend his eyes for a second but fell asleep again just the second after. The nightmare finished and Kuroba seemd to sleep peacefully now. Still noisy, but peacfull.
The detective went to his room and went to sleep aswell.

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