Snow Angels

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 Hello! These are some stories that I have written from the second pov. I really hope you enjoy them (or not because it depends on your own pov). If you don't like this first one, they do get better or there are ones written from different situations. So please, if you do not like this one, you can skip it and you don't need to read it. :-D Meow!!! >^. .^<

You squinted your eyes when you stepped outside. The fresh snow on the ground was bright from the sunlight shining down onto it. You started walking along the path outside your apartment building then you heard someone coming up behind. You turned to see your neighbor, Carter, walking towards you.

"Y/n! How are you!"

"Fine, um, what are you doing with that?" You asked nodding towards the sled that he was holding.

"Oh! I was going to go sledding in the park. You know, the one just down the road from here?"

"Yeah, I know it." You then realized that it would be fun to go sledding.

"Um, could I like, go sledding with you?" You asked. He smiled and nodded.

"Totally! It will be fun!"

You followed eagerly behind him. When you and Carter reached the park, you saw tons of kids and their parents sledding. You were so entranced by everything that you didn't notice Carter talking to you till he tapped you on the shoulder.

"What?" You said turning towards him.

"Y/n? Are you ok? You were kinda staring off."

"Yeah...yeah. Im ok. I was just watching the families sledding."

"Well that's boring." He stated.

"What do mean?" You asked him, startled.

"Well I mean, why don't we sled ourselves?" You nodded in agreement. Carter then started walking off and you quickly hurried behind him. When you reached an area that wasn't filled with families and children, Carter put down the sled.

"Ok. Get on."He told you motioning toward the sled. You looked at the sled, then at him.

"Uh... how are we both supposed to sled?"

"How do you think? You can sit on the sled and I can push you or you can push me."

"I think that I would rather have you push me than me push you."

"Suit yourself."

You and Carter took turns pushing each other down the hill and then pulling each other back up, but Carter then proposed an idea to you.

"Why don't we go down the hill together?"

"Will it hold both of us?"

"Of course silly!" He looked at you then stepped aside as if to present the sled to you. You then went and sat on the front of the sled and Carter got on right behind you. When he sat down behind you, he pushed off and down you went. As you were going down the hill, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him. What was happening? You felt butterflies in your stomach, something you never thought that you would feel with Carter at least. You then think of how nice Carter always is to you. So you leaned back into him.

When the sled slowed to a stop, you stood up and faced Carter.

"This has been fun"

"Yeah" he replied. He then leaned towards you and kissed you. When he pulled back, he looked you in the eyes. You then noticed how blue his eyes were.

"Sorry about that..."

"'s ok." You felt very awkward but you had to admit, the kiss was nice. You then leaned forward and kissed him back. He then wrapped his arms around you and you and him kissed, standing there while all the snow fell around you. You then looked up at him and smiled. He laughed.

"So, y/n, this was fun."

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