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Newts POV

I was trying to get whatever was bothering Y/n out of her, did it work? Well I want to say yes, as she was miller-seconds from telling me, but Janson came in and snaked her away.

After the doors closed, I sat in silence for a moment, thought about what could be worrying her, nothing came to mind, the only thing I could think of was how when he scooped up Teressa, we haven't been seeing her much lately.

I walked back out to the cafeteria with my brows furrowed still confused, Thomas and the others tried to make me feel better but I just couldn't get my mind off her.

Later that night, I couldn't sleep, so I just laid in my bed bored out of my mind, when suddenly Thomas stood up and washed his face in the sink and hopped back into bed, I was going to say something but I decided it was best not to.

Maybe a good half hour after he laid back down, a sudden bang came from under his bed, he jumped up and was suddenly gone, I suddenly felt awfully tired so I drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, Thomas seemed off, very off, I tried to get him to tell us what was wrong but he was reluctant. He had told us what he had seen last night, when I saw him get up, he had gone into the vents with a boy named Aris and they saw a door where they took stuff that looked like bodys, he had just finished explaining when he suddenly jumped up.

"What is he doing?" I ask partly not wanting the answer,

"He saw Teressa walk past those windows yesterday while you were talking to Y/n, speaking of N/n, where is she?" Fry says as we both keep our eyes plastered on Thomas, 

"Janson took her just before she told me what was wrong-" Before I could finish we all jumped up and ran towards Thomas who had just caused a fight with a guard, Janson and the guard sent us to our room,

"What the hell was that about?" Mihno asks him,

"You didn't really think they were just going to let you through?" I ask him, He reaches into his back pocket, 

"No of course I didn't" He pulls out an ID, we all sigh, "I'm going to find out what's on the other side of that door" 

"Alright" I say partly unimpressed,

"Newt they're hiding something! Okay! These people are not who they say they are" Thomas raises his voice ever so slightly, 

"No Thomas you don't know that!" I quietly yell, "The only thing we do know is that they helped rescue us from wicked! They gave us new clothes, they gave us food, they gave us a proper bed! some of us haven't had this in a long time-" He tries to cut me off, "Some of us a lot longer than others" Then the vent door kicks open and there Aris is, 

"Hey Thomas" He says puffed,

"What the-" Fry says confused, 

"You got it right?" He says,

"Who is this kid?" Mihno questions,

"Yea lets go" Thomas says holding up the ID, Aris scurry's back into the vents while Thomas scoots in, "Alright maybe you guys are right and I am just being paranoid, But I gotta find out for sure, Just cover for me, We'll be back as soon as we can" and he was gone, we all separate and sit on our different beds, we all were thinking the same thing, Thomas was the one who got us out of the maze, if he thinks something is off here, he is probably right.

Thomas's P.O.V

Everything seemed to move so quickly, we moved through the vents and dropped down into the hall way and used the keypad to get into the room they were moving the bodies into, I immediately laid eyes on Teressa, and Y/n next to her, it was when the door opned and Janson walked in muttering smoething to the worker he was with and suddenly Dr. Ava Paige was up on the screen,

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