what am i doing

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Hello I'm Espresso depresso,presso,epresso,messo,pesso,desso, I'm 1'4 ft tall, I'm a catboy,I'm gay 🥺🥺🥺🥺
And I go to whateverthefuck college and my teacher is Mr.  ImpostorAmongus...
b-b-but I have a s-secret...😖😖

...I-I-I-I-I'm in love with a 9'4,blonde haired,blue eyed,sexy,pretty,hot,bad boy,hotter than kaeya,is a knight,is daddy cookie named Madeleine....D-D-D-Dont tell him I had a crush on him since January...😖

Today is Monday,, I go back to whateverthefuck college to get a job and brain because my iq dropped somehow.

<<Espresso's POV>>

I get up from my unmade,sweaty bed and then my crusty,dusty,2014,cheeto phone,phoen starts ringing!!!! It says it's from Madeleine so I picked it up because im a hot homosexual ☺

"H-H-H-H-Hello??" I asked shyly because that's how the fandom portrays me ofc.

"Hello my little discord kitten" he growled 😱

"O-O-O-Omg,,,, Madeleine, you sussusamongus!!!" I started to blush..

"So uhm do you want 2 babysit Snow Sugar with me you suspicious looking character?"

I gasped and blushed like a kawaii nya bottom"O-O-O-Omg...Y-Y-Y-Yes!!"

"Good kitten, see you at 11:36 am utc"

"O-O-O-Ok Madeleine.."

"Goodbye Espepo"


Madeleine hung up

omg did just Madeleine invite me over?? Am I going to confess my love to him??
Why are you reading this go touch grass you stinky almond simp/j
Anyways chapter 2 soon I'm not done with this yet 😁
Anyways if you know me from Tik Tok,
no you don't.
Have a amazing day.

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