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Well welcome Minna! Hopefully you are thinking about Joining or you are joining. So here is the jobs and descriptions! It will also show whats open and stuff like that. If you want any of these jobs comment or PM me here or on my main account xBeautiful_Chaosx

This job is basically like a director or a wingman. Basically all you do is Make sure you get the word out a second time about anything involving Fairy Tail Magazine to workers. You also make sure that people are on time and if they can't do it, Tell me and Ill get a back-up on the job!

You also get requests from me sometimes if needed and Take over if Im inactive or hiatus. So if you're interested there's still one spot left!
Remember since its two spots, Both co-directors have to work together.

Team Members : -Kelsey-Quinn- and infiniteslut

Cover Designers:
This is a job for anyone who likes to draw, Likes Art, Or is really creative! You make Covers for each issue and post it on a book you have and ill screenshot it, Crop it, and add it to the issue!

This can be drawn or simply put together with pictures. But don't forget to add what issue it is, Fairy Tail Magazine, and our account name somewhere. And of course it has to be neat. If you like the sound of this one spot is open! Sense this spot has two openings you guys have to figure out who's gonna do which cover.

Team Members : @-_Eli_- and @FlamesxKeys

This job is basically Interviewing an author on Wattpad or even try to talk Hajime himself about Fairy Tail. You can interview any of your co-workers as well ^-^.

Team Members : -Kelsey-Quinn- and dancelover2014

Fic Of The Month:
This job is for anyone who Loves reading fanfiction and wants to notify everyone of a book that deserves to be recognized. And since this is Fairy Tail Magazine it has to be a Fairy Tail Fanfiction.

Tell us why you think this Fanfic should be Fic Of The Month and why we should read it. Also tell us the author because many people have the same titles for books.

Team Members : @-_Eli_- and FlamesxKeys
Advice Columnist:
This job is basically Advice to people who want to make Fairy Tail Merchandise, Or even make a Fairy Tail Fanfiction. You may even give advice on life.

And you may also take requests from people to give advice on something if you'd like!

Team Members: @LullKai and OPEN

Oneshot Collecter:
This job is basically asking for a oneshot (can deal with the month's holiday or the month the season is in) from an author, Or typing it up by itself. Then it will be put on here and everyone can read and enjoy ^-^ Remember it has to do with Fairy Tail. You can also take requests

Team Members: @Brunettez and OPEN

Undiscovered Gems:
This job is basically looking for two Fairy Tail Fanfictions with 1K reads or less and tell us why people should read it. Tell us the name and author of the book. Let books be put on spotlight!

Team Members: infiniteslut and FlamesxKeys

Finally Fessing Up:
This job is telling us something funny/embarrasing/weird about Anything related to Fairy Tail or Your life itself. Tell us the whole story but, You may ask someone else and they have the right to be anonymous.

Team Members : OPEN and OPEN

Rapid Rants:
Angry about something in Fairy Tail or feeling any emotion other than happy, Rant about it here on Rapid Rants. It can be a character, the writer, the anime/manga, comments about it, or even an opening/ending. And using profanity is welcome to anyone (its my second language).

Team Members : @dancelover2014 and infiniteslut

Words Of Wisdom:
Take any character quote (or trollshima's) and tell us what you think about it and why you love that quote. Answer questions like Do you use this quote in life? Or Why is it important to you?

Team Members : infiniteslut and OPEN!

Make up any fun Questionarre or a small little game! You may also use other questionarre or games but put them in your own words. Be creative and crazy, it doesn't matter! Be sure to remember it has to be about Fairy Tail!

Team Members : OPEN and OPEN!

Cosplay Ideas:
Do you love cosplay or love to cosplay? Or do you have many cosplay ideas on any Fairy Tail character that isn't expensive or is expensive? Than let everyone know here! Use your creativity to the fullest! You can also use the same character but different ideas for each time you use them!

Team Members : OPEN and OPEN!

Fangirl/Fanboy Mania:
Do you just Love a Fairy Tail character or the story itself and Fangirl/Fanboy about it all the time? Then just ramble about anything Fairy Tail Related here! Tell us why you love that Fairy Tail Character or why you love certain magic! Fangirl/Fanboy about it all you want!

Team Members : OPEN and OPEN!

Fanfic Review:
Have you read a really good or a fanfiction that is not the best? Than review any story you want here! Make sure you ask the person if you can review their story and ask them if they want to be anonymous. Or just review one but dont say they author.

Say what you want, your opinion is valued on here and everywhere else! Make sure you review two books if you can!

Team Members : @Stellar and Miss_Seragaki_

The ultimate backbone of the team! This job is for anyone who is on Wattpad frequently and has a flexible schedule. You will need to take place of any job if one of your co-workers are not able to do it or if they're inactive/hiatus.

Team Members : @GonIsMyFavoriteSpiritAnimal and FlamesxKeys

Advertise Fairy Tail Magazine! Post it on your board, a book you have, or anything else that you can do to advertise on Wattpad! Make sure you tell them why they should read it and why you like it!

Team Members: OPEN and OPEN!

Monthly Manga Read:
Do you read every Fairy Tail Manga chapter that comes out? If so talk about it here and Take the job Monthly Manga Read! It doesn't matter if you liked a chapter or didn't, Tell us why you liked/disliked it. Also tell us any theories and summarize the chapter for us. And make sure you put "Spoiler Alert" on each chapter.
Team Member: @FlamesxKeys and OPEN!

Character Q/A:
Ask any Fairy Tail Character here on Wattpad questions and post it here! Or be creative and make up the whole Q/A yourself! Your questions can be as weird as can be, nobody will stop you. And if the character doesn't want to answer the question, move on to the next one!

Team Members: OPEN and OPEN!

Lyric Breakdown:
This job is for anyone who loves Fairy Tail Opening/Endings and Explain them in great detail and say what you think that song means! You may also take requests!

Team Member: xBeautiful_Chaosx

To all the team members, Send your Articles to my email or PM me here!

Hopefully everyone has an understanding of each job and is ready to be apart of this magazine!


Fairy Tail Magazine Jobs/DescriptionsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon