*long table shenanigans: Tommy*

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In this "AU" everyone is royalty.

--------------------------------type: fluff------------------------------------

"Y/N!" your mother shouts from the living room. It was a sunny day in England and you were planning to go outside. You made your way to the living room to see your mother sitting with the prince from another dynasty in the next region over. You knew this man very well.

"Wilbur." You blurt out. "What is he doing here?"

"Y/N." your mother states, "The Gold family dynasty needs a woman to rule on the side of Prince Wilbur. I thought you'd be perfect for the job." She says to your surprise, "Mother, I'm afraid you've thought wrong." You carry your dress and storm out the door."

"Y/N! COME BACK!" Your mother shouts for you. She turns back into the house. "I'm so sorry about her, Wilbur." She apologizes.

"Oh, it's quite alright. She'll learn to love me as the time comes." He smirks.

You were outside sitting in a flower field. It was your favorite place to be on days like this. Soon, you hear a voice from behind you. "Same old spot eh?" You turn around instantly.

"Tommy!" You said partly scared but also excited. You saw Tommy every day but the more you were together the better the day was. "Fuckin' hell," you say out of breath. "Don't scare me like that!" You push him slightly and he sits down giggling and excited with laughter.

"How's your mum?" he asks. you tell him how everything's the same and how she wants you to marry prince Wilbur. "So marry him," he states as if that's a solution. "I don't like him, Tom. He's all political and shit." You ramble on and on probably boring Tommy. "Is he a Tory?" (OBVIOUSLY NOT) He asks interrupting you. You nod and he shakes his head slowly. "Don't do it, Y/N. You'd swore you'd never kiss a Tory." He brings this up from a time when you were young, maybe about 11 years old.


"Come on, Y/N! Put your right hand on the bible." Tommy said in between laughter.

"Ok, Ok, Tommy." You as well needed to catch your breath from all the laughter. "I Y/N L/N" you started. "Swear in my life on my mother's good name! To NEVER EVER kiss a Tory!" You swore.

You were both on the ground laughing at this point. You liked the simple times like this.

--------------------------------flashback over--------------------------------

"Oh yeah, I remember that. Those were the days." You reminisced.

du du du du. You hear trumpets and horses approach the field. "Shit-" you barely manage to get out.

"ROYAL MESSAGE FOR THE PRINCESS!" the announcer shouted. "FROM MOTHER." they hand you a scroll.

"You're fucking kidding me," you whisper. He asks what's wrong and you read the scroll out loud. "Y/N, I have come to a conclusion, if you do not want to marry Wilbur, bring a worthy royal family member to dinner tonight." You read, "Mother." you say mockingly. "Oh, well who are you to bring?" He pries. You stare at him with a goofy smirk and he smirks back.

--------------------------------time skip-------------------------------------

you both enter the house and you make your way to the dining room.

"Oh, welcome back Y/N!...and you brought Tom of all people..." Your mother gives Tommy a dirty look. Wilbur was there also to see what worthy opponent you brought. "Yup! That's right!" You exclaim. You sit down at one end of the table as Tommy sits down at the other. You could barely reach each other since the table was long. It was quite silent for a while until Wilbur spoke.

"So, Y/N how was your day?" He asks. "Ok," you respond with a bit of sass. He didn't find that very amusing. Tommy snickered across the table while you smirked at him and your mom decided for some reason to speak "So Tom." He shoots his head up. "Any royal blood in the system?" He smiles, "I'm actually heir to the Simons throne!" Wilbur shot his head up as you wheezed at his shocked face. "The uh, the Simons throne you say?" He stuttered. Tommy nodded proudly. Your mother again interrupted.

"Isn't that the richest family in Britain?" She pried. "Well I don't mean to brag but when you put it like that..." Tommy mocked as the cocky person he is. Then Wilbur jumped in, "Then what are you doing in England?" He asks. "Well if you must know. My father Phil was murdered visiting Scottland to come to see me since he left me with my mother as a child to fulfill his duties, so now I'm staying here with my brother Jack. He's on the throne as of right now, but he's resigning soon apparently so I'm next in line!" Everyone looks at him a bit pitiful until your mother speaks again.

"So how did you meet Y/N?" she asks. "Well actually, she was reading sitting in a field, she looked peaceful, I had lost my frisbee in a tree so that's where I was." He took a bite out of his food and covered his mouth, "So anyway, I was looking at how graceful she looked just sitting down until that was I lost my balance and fell." Everyone laughed. "She looked startled and confused so I tried to explain, eventually she understood and that's where it began I suppose!" He finished everyone nodded in approval of our hilarious engagement.

"Wow." was all Wilbur could say. "I suppose I've seen enough, Tom Simons. You deserve her." He gave up so easily. But you and Tom weren't like that. You both wanted each other but didn't show it.

--------------------------------time skip-------------------------------------

At the end of dinner, Wilbur had left after Tom and him hanging out for a little and your mom was already in her room. At this time you were sitting outside. You hear the door open and Tommy appears behind you. He sits next to you and asks if you're ok, "I don't know, Tommy. I'm gonna be honest." You state. He just nods.

"Do you love me?" He asks.


"Do you or do you not?"

You sigh. You knew he knew and you didn't want to admit it. You looked down and he intertwined your hands.

"I love you, Y/N." He stated in four simple words, but it made your heart beam.

"I love you too but-" You tried to continue.

"Then that's all that needed to be said."

He then proceeded to seal your love with a kiss. One like no other. Your first one in fact and he knew this.

"I-Is it always like that?" You asked.

"No, it's never like that."  He whispered.

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