CHAPTER 4 : Smile

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Chaeyoung's POV:

I was just sitting on the bed while my back is leaning on the wall. I am just listening to Justin Bieber's songs while humming.

I was about to stand up when Jeongyeon unnie came with foods and drinks. She looked worried.

"What brought you here?" I asked coldly since I am still annoyed about earlier.

"What happened to you?" She ignored my question and approached me worriedly, you can see it thru her eyes.

"You don't need to know" I said as I lean back on the wall.

"I need to know what happened to you! I have rights to know it since im your friend!" She scolded me

I looked at her and sighed..

"I was beaten that's all"

"That's all?!" She raised her voice

"What do you mean that's all? Do you want me to die than getting beaten up instead?" I asked her in sarcasm

"Dumb, I mean you're beaten up ofcourse you are injured or something" She said in a worried tone

She sat on the chair beside the bed and grabbed the foods she brought for me

"Eat" She said coldly

"No" I refused

"Do you want me to call Jihyo?" She warned as her index finger is pointing at me as her eyes were widen as a sign of a warning

I have no rights to refuse now if she will call Jihyo eonni and tell her about this, she will worry so much and it's annoying.

"Ah-" I groaned as I lift my finger off the soil.

"Are you okay?" Jeongyeon asked

We were planting plants as our punishment for fighting the students from the other section earlier

"Yeah im fine-"

My words were cutted when Jihyo eonni shouted and panicked.

She went towards me immediately and took a look of my finger who got bitten by an insect.

"Jihyo eonni im fine-"

"Shhh baby Beast i'll treat your wound" She shush my mouth.

"Yah Jihyo-ssi she can literally just sip the blood it's just a red dot my god"

Momo eonni said annoyed and in disbelief of how Jihyo eonni overreacted on my wound as she swayed her hair who's been blocking her sight this whole time that won't let her plant properly.

"I'll bring you to the clinic-"

"Chaeyoung-ah?? You still there?" Jeongyeon eonni said waving her hand infront of my face to bring me back from my senses.

"Huh? Ah yeah I just had a flashback about how Jihyo eonni reacted when I was just bitten by an insect" I said as I chuckles

She chuckled back and gave me an energy drink

"Here" She said while giving the drink to me

"Energy drink?" I chuckled

"What is this for?"

"For you to have enough energy for later" She teased me


"Aish nevermind you're so slow" she put the drink down beside her chair's foot.

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