and i know ain't nobody else gonna do

61 9 0

I don't want to set the world on fire,
I just want to start a flame in your heart.

Bumjae stumbles in through the door of his apartment, panting and groaning to himself as quietly as he can.

'Yohan's probably in the kitchen, I smell food....I can sneak into the bathroom, he won't have to see until I clean myself up.'

He lays his things down by the door, carefully moving one step at a time in order to not make a sound. He can't afford for Yohan to see him all beat up again; last time he did, Yohan went berserk and tracked down his attacker, beating him half to death. Talk about a protective boyfriend.

"Bumjae?!" A voice exclaims from the couch as he tried to sneak into the bathroom. Goddamn. Yohan shoots up from his place on the sofa and practically teleports to his boyfriend's side, "What the hell happened?!"

Yohan seizes Bumjae by the wrist and drags him to the couch, spitting out a quick, "sorry" when he hisses in pain from the impact.

"Wait here." He commands, and runs off to fetch the first aid. Bumjae rolls his eyes. Again, he's making a big deal out of this.

Yohan returns, arms laden with materials, creams, bandages and the like. He kneels, and takes Bumjae's hand (much to his embarrassment) to begin applying the aids.

"Who did this to you?"

"It's fine, it's just some guys that mugged me, I got rid of them."

"No, no, tell me!"

Bumjae yanks his hand away from Yohan as he's bandaging and raises his voice a mite, "Yohan, you are not going to go after them, not right now!"

"They can't just do that to you! Not while I'm here, Not while I'm your boyfriend. Who was it?!"

Bumjae sighs, giving his hand back to Yohan to bandage. There'd be no winning at this point, so he might as well give in, "Remember Vasco once had a friend that was part of that gang in Northern Seoul, near my job? His name was Jangwoo. A few of them ganged up on me, but he wasn't there with them, it was just a bunch of his friends."

Yohan nods and rushes to finish his bandaging and treating before jumping up to grab his jacket and shoes, giving Bumjae a peck on the cheek, and tumbling out the door.

Bumjae sighs again, this time in exasperation. 'What would I do without him?'


Yohan sprints through the late night city at top speed. He knows where he's going, he's just too angry to take his time to get there. He knows where they hide out. There had once been a time when he was younger, more lively. In those days, he had often spent hours scouting the areas around, looking for people to rob and such, just to pay for his mom's eyes. It's a shame, all that work gone to waste when some idiot decided to run her over the one day she was allowed outside for a few hours. It's been years since that happened. I guess you could say, Yohan's still not completely over it.

He's found them.

It wasn't at their usual place, which was where Yohan was planning to go. No, rather, 6 guys, all those he recognized, were sitting together at a table, eating. Oh how fun this would be.

"Hey! All of you! Get over here, now!"

The man sitting closest to the side Yohan was on looks at him, scoffs, and turns around, "You looking for trouble? Get lost, kid."

Yohan's eyes flicker from the guy to the customers dining around them, to the street food shop's owner. An old woman, face wrinkled and tanned with the age and years in the sun. There's fear. Fear in her eyes.

It pains him, because God , she looks so much like mom. He can't fight them here, these people are just trying to eat, just trying to make living. It's not fair for them.

Yohan, as nimble as he is, manages to snatch the guy's phone from his back pocket. Who keeps their phones in their back pockets, anyway?

Once he had the object in his hand, he began sprinting into a nearby alleyway. Way he sees it, they come running and he can either take them one to two at a time, or he can take them all at once and knock 'em into each other. Either way works just fine.

Turns out they decide to go the easy way. 2 come at a team, each being slammed into walls, kneed in the gut and uppercutted before getting thrown to the side. Soon enough, all 6 men are on the ground, some groaning and some completely out. It's not like Yohan ever really loses, you know that, don't you?

He wipes a drop of sweat from his forehead and turns back to them to say, "You tell your friends, and remember, don't ever come after Park Bumjae again or else you'll be dealing with me, got it?!"

Yohan runs his way back home, sweat clouding his vision and breath practically on fire. It hurts, but he's gotta get back home to Bumjae soon, or else he'll worry


First step on their doorstep, and Yohan is already feeling bad for leaving so quickly, especially after Bumjae told him not to go. He could've wanted comfort and hugs, but Yohan left to deliver revenge without even asking.

He walks in their door, taking his shoes off and looking into the living room with a hanging head, tail between his legs like a guilty puppy. Bumjae's on the couch, reading a book. He's got his glasses on, the ones Yohan thinks look hot on him.

Bumjae says nothing as his lover approaches, only watching him slowly come closer with a soft smile. Yohan takes a seat next to him and snuggles his face in his boyfriend's chest, muttering a small, "I'm sorry."

He chuckles softly and runs his hands through Yohan's hair, just the way he likes it, "It's ok, Jagi, I love you. Go take a shower, you're sweaty."

Yohan rises, still as slow as ever. He leans over to plant a soft kiss on his lover's lips before leaving to get his clothes.

'Ah, I'm so in love with him. Damn, look at what he does to me!'

In my heart I have but one desire
And that one is you, no other will do

and i know ain't nobody else gonna do (jace/johan)Where stories live. Discover now