The Model's Designer- Chapter Two

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Marinette's Apartment 

I hurry into my apartment and put my purse and bags on my bed and kick off my high heels, letting out a sigh of relief. 

"Hey, bitch," says an voice. 

 I scream and jump a foot in the air.

Alya stands in my room with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.

Alya stands in my room with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face

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"You scared the hell out of me!" I said, clutching my chest.

"That was the point!" Alya says. "Now take off your clothes."

"Um... why?" I asked.  

"Because I'm here to help you get ready for your date with Adrien," she said. "Now clothes off, so I can find you an outfit and do your hair."

"Um, no offense, Alya," I said, "but I'm a fashion designer, not you."

"But I'm the one who has a boyfriend, and also the one who's not still a virgin, so who do you think is more knowledgable on these subjects? Now take off your clothes." She tosses a bag at my head and turns around. 

I open the bag and dump out what's inside. "Really?"

A silky black thong and bra lie inside the pink and white striped bag. 

"Put them on!" she orders me. "You never know what might happen."

I quickly put them on and grab my silk robe from off of it's hook on the back of my door. "I'm done," I say.

"Great, now let's look at your clothes."

Alya goes over to my closet and looks at the things I have. "Ooh, this is pretty!" 

She holds out a sparkly gold minidress.

I shake my head. "I don't want to look thirsty."

"Girl, we both know you're thirsty," says Alya. (Marinette got called OUT) My face turns bright red.

"But I don't want him to know that," I said. "Ooh, what about this?" I pull out a dress from my closet.

"That's perfect! Adrien will die if you wear that. Now sit down and let me do your hair."

I tug out my rubber band and my hair falls down my back. I haven't gotten it cut at all, and now it's halfway down my back. 

Alya brushes it out, then sprays something in it. "This will make it softer." Then she plugs in a curling iron and curls my hair a little. She sees the look on my face. "What, you thought these curls were natural?" She fluffs her hair. "I'm done. Look!" She hands me a mirror. 


My hair is soft and shiny, with slight curls at the ends. A clip with a diamond and pearl flower holds it out of my eyes.

"I did good, didn't I?" Alya grins.

"You did," I say, smiling. 

"Now put on your dress. Your date is waiting!"

I quickly put on the dress. Alya hands me a pair of heels, which I reluctantly put on. She hands me my purse and a tube of lipstick, and I rush out and leave. 

"Bye, Alya!"

"Bye, Marinette! And I want to thorough details!"

Tikki floats out of my bag. "And try not to stutter this time!" 

"Oh, be quiet, Tikki."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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