Chapter 1: Resentment

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Wen: My name is Wen and I am a red panda who decided to move from China to Greenet because my pen pal Lemmee lives there, whom I really wanted to meet live. The record is over! [Wen turned off the recorder]

[Wen leaves the ship and meets Lemmee.]

Lemmee: Hi! Is that you, Wen?

Wen: Yes, it's me, hi!

Lemmee: Cool, I'm so happy to see you live!

Wen: I'm happy too! [hug Lemmee]

Lemmee: Okey, come on, I'll introduce you to my friends!

Wen: Okey.

[Lemmee introduced Wen to his friends, Chewoo hopped and chatted nonstop, Pammee each time asked if she was beautiful, Roodee showed his inventions, and Yoohoo kept telling how fast he was. After a while, the lemur brought the panda to his home and drank her tea, and the girl constantly looked at the pictures on the wall.]

Wen: Wow, were you in the military?

Lemmee: Of course, and I regret it... Oh, that is proud!

Wen: Wait! Regret? why?

Lemmee: No! No! I said I was proud of it!

Wen: Lemmee, I'm not deaf, just tell me why you regret being a military man?

Lemmee: ...

Wen: Did you get any kind of injury?

Lemmee: Yes, and a big one...

Wen: Which one?

Lemmee: Yeah, I was in the military, but only three years, while the doctors were looking for someone who could help with the testing of their drugs, I and five other animals agreed to help. Honestly, it was quite painful and hard, but it was worth it.

Wen: Okay, but why do you regret being a military man?

Lemmee: When I was told that they would no longer be tortured and released, I was caught by tigers who had been doing atrocious experiments just for fun for four months!

Wen: Wow! It's very cruel, and your friends know about it?

Lemmee: They wouldn't believe me...

Wen: Don't worry about it, bro, I think they'll believe you the other way around!

Lemmee: I don't even know...

Wen: If you want, can we tell them together what you say?

Lemmee: Okay, you talked me into it!

«Eight minutes later»

Pammee: It's true?!

Lemmee: Unfortunately yes...

Roodee: Holy shit...

Yoohoo: He's lying!

Pammee: Yoohoo!

Yoohoo: What? What did I say?

Roodee: Do you even learn history?! How can you not believe it if it really happened during the war?!

Lemmee: Ummm... Guys, let's not quarrel, I'm uncomfortable...

Roodee: Okay, buddy, whatever you say!

Chewoo: Why do you wear military uniforms if you regret it?

Lemmee: This is the only garment that can at least hide my scars...

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