Moving Day

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I look around the living room in amazement.  Katie and Makayla had dropped us off, and he had led me up the stairs towards the apartment.  I was expecting something messy and cluttered, and I'm shocked to see a large room with tan walls and a hard wood floor.  There's a black sofa along with a matching recliner facing a flat screen television.  In one corner, there's a stove and a refrigerator with a small counter and a microwave.There's a door on either side of the TV, and then two doors over in the far corner.  Kay leads to the door to right right of the television.   He pushes it open. 

The walls are a blueish gray color, and it has the same hard wood flooring as the living room, but there's a blue rug in the middle of the floor. There's a twin size bed pushed in the corner with light blue sheets and dark blue pillows and comforter.  There's an empty black book shelf next to the bed, and a matching desk pushed against the opposite wall.  He smiles at me as pushes open the closet door.  Inside is a black dresser.  I look up at Kay and smile.

"This is amazing."  He smiles back at me as I through my bag down on the bed.  He grabs my hand and pulls me back into the living room. 

"So, the door next to yours is the bathroom.  My room is right next to couch, and then Lucas, my other roommate's, is right next to it."  I look up at him smile again.

"It's truly amazing."  He smiles at me, then plops down on the couch.  I follow suit.

"Okay, ground rules.  Rent's due the first Friday of the month, no exceptions."  He tosses me a key.  "Don't loose that.  I make no promises of being home to let you in if you do.  Okay, um, building's quiet time is from 11pm-4am, so no parties during that time.  Though, if I had to guess, I wouldn't take you for the partying type."  A small laugh escapes my throat.

"You should have saw me before I got pregnant."  He laughs.

"Yea, well, now it seems all that you really care about is work."

"Do you have a job?"  He nods.

"Part time over at the college's radio station.  I'm supposed to start taking night classes over the summer there, but I don't know if I'm going to." 

"Why'd you go stay with your sister if you live so close to her?"  He laughs.

"Lucas's family was coming down for a visit.  And he has this twin sister that's totally crazy about me.  So, I'm pretty good about being gone when they come."  We both laugh.  Just then, the main door opens and a guy walks in.  He's pretty tall with long blonde hair.  When he sees me, he flashes me a smile.  If things were different, I would totally start crushing on him.  As things are though, I just smile back at him.

"Hello.  I'm Luke.  Kay, why didn't you tell me you were having a... guest... over.  I could have stayed gone a little longer."  He starts wiggling his eyebrows, and Kay laughs.

"Luke, this is Cassy.  Cassy, this is Luke.   Cassy's gonna be our new roommate."

"So, you two aren't dating?"  Kay shakes his head, then Luke comes and sits down in between me and Kay.  "Hey Sexy.  How about I give you the tour?"  I laugh as Kay shakes his head.

"I'm good."  A look of disappointment crosses his face, and Kay starts laughing. 

"Dude, she's not gonna go out with you."  He pushes Luke off the couch, then slides over to where he had been sitting.  Luke stands up.

"How do you know?  She may think I'm the hottest guy ever."  I break down laughing, and Kay joins me.  "What? Come on, we all know you want me."  I fall off the couch from laughing so hard, and Kay pulls me back to my feet. After we all calm down, Luke sits down in the recliner.  "So, you're gonna be our new roommate?"  I nod.  "Good.  I can't afford having an empty room."  I laugh, and Kay goes over and turns the TV on.

Cassandra's Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now