Disagreement to Disappearance

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"Karl. You're not serious are you?" Sapnap laughed, leaning back against the oak tree which stood tall amongst the three boys. The tree stood up on a tall hill that overlooked the community house. Next to the tree was a bench that Dream had build on the 3rd day of the smp. The bench was wore down by now with little carvings on it such as 'DTeam', '404', 'DNF' surrounded in a heart, 'Pandas', Dream's smile, and more. It was a place that George had found very early and which the three boys made into their space. Not even Ponk, Sam or Alyssa ever knew about it.

However, since Dream was gone now, it had just become a place of comfort. A place where George and Sapnap went to get away from everything and hide for few hours.

"Well I need too." Karl defended as he sat on the grass with multiple books, watches, quills and other bits of loose papers lay scattered on the ground, held down from the wind by rocks and stones. It was a warm day and the oak tree kept the boys hidden under the shade, which worked out in their favour. The grass around them was semi long and was only kept short from the millions of times Sapnap and George would end up play fighting on the ground, slowly overtime keeping the grass down.

"It won't be for long Sapnap okay? Don't worry. I'll come back" Karl looked up at his fiancé with loving eyes. No matter how much Karl could say he'd be fine, Sapnap would never believe him. He didn't want a repeat of what happened before.

"Promise me?" Sapnap whispered, looking down at his lover to meet his eyes before he bit the inside of his gums. "I promise." The older smiled, turning back around and dipping a quill into an ink pot before reaching over some books to finish notes on a piece of paper.

Quackity sat on the grass next to Karl and was looking over some of his books. "Ooh! What's this one about??" He asked excitedly, picking up a journal named "The Inbetween". The name instantly spiked interest in Quackity as he started flipping through pages.

"Ah ah ah! Give that! I told you not to read through my stuff. Go back to your own plans for your casino or what not!" Karl snapped, grabbing to book from Quackitys hands before he set it back down with his other stuff.

"Hey! I told you, Las Nevada's is just a joke!" Quackity laughed, rolling his eyes as he picked up one of Karls spare quills, dipping it in the ink and drawing onto his hand.

"Oi! Don't do that." Karl hit his hand. Quackity huffed and dropped the quill, spilling ink into one of Karls papers. "Ah! Honk, Quackity!! God you're a child at times!"

"Karl, I really don't think you should do this!" Sapnap snapped, leaning off the oak tree now and pacing back and forth. He was fidgeting with a flint and steal that he had in his pocket, lighting it over and over as he tried to keep calm.

"Sap, I told you. Nothing bad is going to happen, alright. I'm going to go back, find the origins of the egg and help your da-"

"Dont fucking bring up the egg. I don't want to hear about it." The younger yelled out, turning to face the other two as he stopped walking.

"I just- I don't want something to happen to you Karl. I cant have something happen to you!" Karls face fell as he stopped writing, closing his books over and gathering his papers and watches.

"Look, Hun, I'm glad you care about me, but I need to do this. Okay. I'm trying to help you and Bad!" Karl tried to compromise, standing up after he'd finished picking up his things.

"No! No you don't need to do shit! Stay here with us. There's no need to go back. All you do is risk forgetting!" Sapnap pleaded, practically sobbing by now as he tried to contain his emotions as he clung to his lovers arm.

"I'm not going to argue with you. I'm going and that's final. Cmon Quackity, let's go find George." Karl snapped, pushing Sapnap off him before turning around and walking away, Quackity following after him like a duckling.

Why was Karl so stubborn on leaving them again. Leaving to go 'fix' time.

"GAh!" Sapnap yelled as he hit hit fist of the tree, causing his knuckles to ache and quickly turn a shade of red. The boy slumped down the tree and sat on the bench as his eyes began to water. Unlike a normal human, Sapnaps tears didn't drop dow his cheeks and catch down on the bottom of his chin. Instead his tears only ever burnt him. Sometimes if he was unlucky, they'd leave burns all down his face. It was part of being born from fire and part of being raised by a literal demon who you picked traits up from as you grew up.

Usually in a situation like this, Sapnap would know who to go to instantly. However, to his luck, that person was currently locked up and under Sams watch 24/7 in the most high security build in the whole smp. And as he knew, George would be occupied with Karl and Quackity, leaving one other person for Sapnap to talk too. Callahan. Although he wasn't the best at giving advice but he always listened to what one had to say. So, Sapnap sat up from the bench and began making his way down to the community house, where he assumed Callahan would be.


"Karl? This isn't the way to George's??" Quackity said with a hint of worry as Karl took them through a big grouping of trees. The trees where thick and the ground was over grown. The sun quickly disappeared almost fully as the continued to walk through.

It was mostly dark and there was rustling in every direction, causing Quackity to jump every so often as Karl kept going deeper into the trees.

"Honk him... him.. telling me what not to do.." Karl muttered under his breath as the two stumbled across a small clearing. The sun finally reappeared which gave Quackity a slight boost of hope.

Karl quickly threw his books down to the floor and hastily pulled out an old stop watch. Within seconds he began twisting and fiddling with it as Quackity could hear faint clicking and ticking sounds.

"Quackity, you don't need to be here." Karls tone was harsh and oddly rude for someone like him. Quackity looked around, unsure how to get back home and began looking in his inventory for a map, a compass, anything.

"Straight path. You can't get lost." And with that, Quackity nodded and began walking. He didn't want to argue with Karl. Not when he was like this.

After only a mere five seconds of Quackity walking away, a loud whooshing sound came from behind him which caused him to stop. Purple and Green glows came next as the boy turned around. Was Karl really travelling back? Of course, Quackity knew what travelling looked like, he'd accidentally walked in on it once before however when a deep red glow appeared, Quackity thought something was wrong.

Suddenly, Karl let out a scream. It rang in Quackity's ears so he instantly ran back to the boy. Something was definitely wrong. Then, without warning, the lights disappeared as did Karl.

Quackity sat in disbelief as he dropped to his knees infront of Karls books and other objects he'd left behind. There was nothing he could do now. All that was left was to wait and hope he was alright. Hesitantly, Quackity picked up his stuff before he began to trek back through the mass of trees.

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