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Love for him was coming slowly, approaching and hiding for a while, and then it had hit me all of a sudden. It was that kind of feeling you never forget, when someone means so much to you that you would do anything to be with them. It made me feel that way. He seemed the least important of all the people I had met, but it didn't pass long until he became so much more. He came as a green light while I was falling and flying in the black darkness of pain and sorrow. The green light helped me get up and stand up on both feet again. But he also left me with an enormous feeling of love and pain, making me fall down more and more. Almost till breaking.

He was one of the first from the new class who I had met. I didn't quite like him in the beginning, he was always making fun of everything and making the whole class laugh over something stupid. He reminded me of someone from elementary school, someone who I used to call Blue colour. They had a lot of differences, but a few similarities were quite shocking. In short, I found him incredibly annoying. Especially in the first week, when one whole day he couldn't stop staring at me. And it was repeating, day after day, until the next week he finally came closer and started talking to me. After that day, he was always somewhere where he could see me or at least ask a couple questions. He would do all of the silliest things to get my attention, and then he would just laugh it off with his friends. He had that one even more annoying and I dare to say, awful friend, and in pair the two of them seemed like Dumb and Dumber. I didn' know which of them was who.

When our teacher made a new sitting schedule and put me in the bench right behind him, I swear, I was so angry I refused talking to him at all. Unfortunately, it didn't work. He made me laugh every on single lesson, there wasn't a moment in each hour that he wouldn't turn around and at least smile at me. In the first few weeks when we still barely knew each others, I found his phsycal appearance terrible. He looked sort of like Frankenstein's monster, with unusual short hair which made a line over the top of his forehead, unusually skinny, bony long legs and arms, and silver irony retainer over his teeth. The one and only detail I liked on him ever since the day I met him, were his eyes. Light green colour which shined like a bright light each time he would smile. Sometimes it seemed as they were blue, but most of the time his eyes were properly green. I didn't want to admit it, but I would feel something unusual every time I would look at those green eyes. But I didn't see him as a boy who I would consider attractive, he was so irritating that I listed him with all of those guys who were, simply said, awful to me. It was the time when I was so deeply in love with another boy from the same class, we where even in a relationship that lasted for 3 months.

He was still around all the time, some of my friends even began warning me about him and convincing me he could maybe be in love with me. Of course, I didn't believe them and kept myself thinking he only acted friendly. Annoying, but friendly. It was already the second semester of the first grade, almost the beginning of spring, when my relationship started having problems. We had our first fight and that was one the worst days for me ever. I didn't sleep during the whole night, I didn't eat and I had 9 lessons that day at school. I wanted to be alone, but the one who always tried to stay close to me, didn't give me peace. He followed me everywhere I went, I was hiding from the rest of the class, but couldn't hide from him. He kept questioning me about the fight till I finally told him the whole story, in the hope that he would leave me alone. I was wrong. After that he was just more and more closer to me, on every single break and lesson he tried to make me smile even though I cried during the whole day. It was the day when I started looking at him as a bit better boy. I never thought of him as someone who I could fall in love with, but I had seen him as a good friend.

It was the last lesson of that awful day, and till then I had already made up with my boyfriend. I was waiting for him after France lessons, and when he came he simply grabbed me and started kissing me. In one moment, I accidentaly opened my eyes when I had felt someone's look on myself. A pair of sad, green eyes was looking straight into my eyes all the time as my boyfriend was kissing me. He was standing a few metres away from us and kept looking at me with a face similar to mine during the whole day. Something twisted inside my stomach as his eyes didn't leave the scene that was going on in front of him. But again, I made my subconscious voice to shup up and forget it, but my heart started changing from that moment. A few more weeks passed, he was gone on a fencing tournament in Paris and when he came back, he brought me a present because I told him I have the biggest wish to visit Paris. It was a small keychain with a golden Eiffel tower. I was so happy about that small sign of kindness that I euphorically carried it around all day long, while he was telling me about Paris. I listened carefully to every single word and detail he mentioned and was incredibly excited only about hearing his impressions.

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