Chapter 19 ~ Sandhills

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His eyes were scrunched up and his face was nuzzled deep in Alex's back as they sat on the motorbike that roared down the highway. Their bodies jolted when the bike drove over the grooves and indents of the road but Miles didn't mind; he seemed rather content instead. Simply knowing that he was away from Daniel and in the embrace of Alex was enough. It seemed to be hours as they both rode in silence. Alex was concentrating on the road and Miles was too busy shielding his eyes from the gusts of wind to obtain any sense of direction.

At last, the heavy machinery slowed down and halted, allowing Miles to sheepishly open his eyes. He was greeted by the midnight black sky reflecting onto the lapping waves of the ocean. A smile carved his lips as his eyes lit up with amusement. Alex chuckled, stepping off the motorbike and assisting Miles in the same process.

"Surprise, babe." He grinned.

"Bloody hell, Al." Miles was still gaping in awe at the magnificent scenery. "What are we doing 'ere?"

"Well, there's a little off-licence there. How 'bout we spend the night on the sandhills?" He raised an eyebrow, folding his arms over his leather jacket.

"Sounds great," Miles returned the expression.

They fooled around like two excitable school boys in the off-licence; tackling each other from behind and hiding behind several eyes. They earned several disapproving looks from the other reserved shoppers but it didn't phase them at all - both were too infatuated in each other's magnificence to even slightly comprehend it.

The two men piled cans of beer and several bags of crisps into their arms; chuckling and joking in the process. Their shoes squeaked across the freshly polished floor and their arms brushed past against rustling packets of confectionary. The gentleman behind the counter didn't seem to be quite as fond of their antics as they did.

Alex and Miles laughed it off, leaving the shop with flushed cheeks and hands full of shopping bags. It didn't matter; they'd never see any of those people again. Well, perhaps they might have been recognised. Oh well. 

After a labouring trekk up one of the many sandhills, the two collapsed onto the sand, causing it to errupt into the air all around them. Alex spluttered, frailing his arms around. "Jeez, you didn't 'ave to land so bloody hard, mate." 

"Well sorry, babe." Miles chuckled, his crooked smile absolutely melting the other man's heart. "Thanks for this, by the way." 

"For what?" A smirk slowly forming on Alex's lips.

"Like you don't fuckin' know! Gettin' me away from all that!" Miles' eyes scrunched up as he grinned.

"Well," Alex shrugged his shoulders whilst passing Miles a beer; "I mean, it sounds all pretty shit round there. Am I right?"

"Yeah," Miles took a long sip. "Daniel's gettin' needier by the bloody minute." 

"Has he ever... Y'know, tried it on with you?" Alex clenched his teeth upon delivering a risky inquiry.

"A couple of times, yeah." Miles scrunched his nose in disgust. "Never got that far though. One time I were in the shower and he comes in acting like he didn't realise I were there. He was all apologetic but I saw how he were tryin' to sneak a glance. He seemed pretty pissed off when I were askin' him to leave as well, like I had a problem... Which I do, like." 

"Twat..." Alex muttered.

"Hah, to say the least." Miles chuckled, rubbing his neck.

"Yeah," Alex nodded, nonchalantly. His eyes wandered across the black waves of the ocean, listening to the therapeutic sounds of the waves. He felt so content and at ease finally being by the side of the person he loved, together in front of something so beautiful and romantic. He felt almost guilty when Miles was sharing his problems about Daniel as he was paying more attention to what they could get up together here rather than helping him out at home. In the few moments of silence between them, it took Alex just one moment for it all to really hit him.

He turned to study Miles' face; he was looking down at his beer and from all those years Alex has known him he could tell perfectly when something was bothering him. One of those moments was right then; the way Miles' eyes drooped and his lips pursed into a thin line; the way his eyebrows furrowed and his forehead corrugated. Alex inwardly sighed.

Alex lent over and cupped Miles' soft face in his bony hands. He felt the bristles of stubble on his chin, meaning he failed his daily routine of shaving this morning, which made Alex chuckle. Miles looked up at Alex; even when his hazel eyes were bright in the moonlight he could still see the sadness behind them. As he leaned in even closer, he whispered roughly so the hairs on the back of Miles' neck stood up and shudders were sent through his skin; "that bastard doesn't deserve you."

Immediately Miles' lips tackled Alex's, pushing him back onto the sand. Their breathing became rough and their hands entwined into eachother's hair. Their esurient kisses on each other were rough and frenzied. Miles positioned himself so he was straddling Alex, continuing to release his pent up frustration into every single last inch of Alex's mouth. A moan escaped the man's mouth as he slowly began to grind on his crotch.

"Je-Jesus, Mi," Alex panted, between Miles' fervent kisses. "A bit e-eager, aren't we?" 

"Hmmm," Miles hummed in response, moving down to Alex's neck. More groans escaped Alex's lips from the overwhelming feeling building up in his pants and the indescribable feeling of pleasure from his neck. "You don't know how long I've waited to do this, I swear." Miles voice was low and rough. His lips reconnected to Alex's neck so he arched his back into Miles. 

It was embarrassing for Alex to question himself on how long he was going to manage; he had never been in a situation like this before. He allowed every single whimper and moan to escape his mouth which only turned Miles on more. Alex tugged and pulled on Miles' hair as he rocked into him harder. Miles planned to travel down to his pants when a thought came into his mind.

"T-take your sunglasses off," Miles panted.


"Take your fuckin' sunglasses off," Miles demanded, leaning back to look at Alex's face. Alex's hand detached them from his face. Miles studied his exhausted expression on his face and how tired and groggy his eyes looked. With a slightly disappointed sigh, he slowed down and lent in for one final kiss on his swollen lips. Rolling off him, he was greeted with a frustrated grunt from Alex.

"What was that for?" Alex muttered, obviously unsatisfied.

"You're tired babe. I don't wanna make you enjoy it now." Miles inwardly sniggered at how eager he had left Alex. 

"What a tease," Alex rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah well, maybe some other time." Miles winked. He shuffled closer so his head was leaning on Alex's chest. Alex wrapped his warm arms around Miles', cuddling him and softly kissing him on his forehead. He shuffled down so their faces were inches apart from each other and they were both looking into the eyes of each other.

"Fuck I'm lucky to have yer, Mi." Alex's lips curved slightly.

"Don't get fuckin' cheesy now, Al." Miles rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but I never would 'ave thought it would end up like this, y'know?" Alex looked down.

"Me neither, to be honest. It were always a distant hope, heh." Miles mimicked.

"'So fucking gay'," Alex tuttered. "Couldn't 'ave worded it fuckin' better, could I?"

"A poem or a song would 'ave been nice." Miles giggled.

"Ar I've done too many fuckin' songs in the past. Jus' think of the lyrics on me AM record, eh?" Alex winked.

"Don't you bloody start." Miles mumbled. "Four words, mate: Colour of the Trap." 

"Fuckin' new it!" Alex exclaimed, causing Miles to blush violently. "You wanker," Alex pulled Miles into another long, heart-warming and spirited kiss.

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