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(Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. English is not my first language)

"Fuck I'm late"

I jumped out of bed.

Today was the day to take the exams for Tojo Academy. One of the best schools in the whole country. I put on a white turtle neck t-shirt underneath a black hoodie, blue jeans and some white shoes. I ran out of the house hoping I wouldn't miss the exam. Happily I wasn't that late and people were still lining up. I lined up waiting for my turn. 

That's when I realised I turned into a girl. You see I have had the ability to turn into a girl since I was born. Everyone gets one and I just got a gender bender one. I guess I was too focused on getting out of the house that I didn't notice. I looked around me to see if I could get away and change back but I couldn't find an opening. It was to crowded and even if I left this line I wouldn't be able to get back in the line. I sighed. I looked in front of me to see that it was my turn.

"Good morning, write your name on this paper to then head inside the room down the hallway. You'll know it when you see it."

I nodded.

I couldn't write my real name so I wrote the first thing that came to mind.

I wrote Rai Kaneko then headed to down the hallway. The name Rai Kaneko is a little bit similar to my real name Rei Kuroki but it's very different.

I found the room and walked inside. There was a man that handed me a paper and a pen. He told me to sit a the desk in front of him.

I sat down and started to answer the questions. I started with Math. At first glance it hard but all you really have to do is memorize and it's easy. The reason why Math is hard is because the teachers just teach it wrong.

After a couple of hours I finished and headed home. Today was a crazy day. The answers for the exams come in a couple of weeks so all I have to do is wait.

I'm going to sleep....

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