Getting Ready

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I woke up to the sound of a door bell. I ran to the door to answer. I saw a letter and box on the ground that said "For Ms. Kaneko"

I picked up them up and brought it inside. I sat on my bed to read it. The letter had a stamp of the schools logo on it. I open the letter.

Dear Rai Kaneko,

You have been accepted into Tojo Academy. You should have received a box. Inside that box there will be a uniform for you to wear and you only. School will start in 2 weeks. I hope you enjoy your time at this academy.

Your Principal

I sighed as I closed the letter. I opened up the box to see my uniform.

 I opened up the box to see my uniform

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(These are the uniforms btw. I just found a random picture)

The uniform is decent but it's made for me as a girl sadly. I change into a girl and tried it on. 

It fit nicely but in my opinion I wish that to bow wasn't so big. I took the uniform off and decided to head to Tojo. The only reason why I'm going there is because at Tojo there are dorms and I want to get my room number so I don't have to later. I got ready and packed my stuff and headed out. I took the subway and headed there. I saw some other people around, I guess they were thinking the same thing. I headed to the front of the dorm area. There was a lady sitting in front with a paper with peoples names on it.

"Hello Miss, I'm Rai Kaneko"

"Good morning Miss Kaneko, you will be in dorm 3 on the second floor."

I nodded.

I went inside the building and went up the stairs. When I got to the second floor I looked for room 2-3. I found it and headed inside. The dorm had to beds and a desk. I set up my side of the room. It looked a bit boring so I decorated it.

After a couple of hours happy with what I had done, I put my suitcase beside my bed and slept

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After a couple of hours happy with what I had done, I put my suitcase beside my bed and slept. When I woke up it was already nighttime. I looked at the tv in the middle of the room. I turned it on and the first thing I saw was the news. I don't really like watching the news since it's always depressing but I was bored and just woke up. They where talking about this villain guy that blew up a house and how if the heroes got there in time the people living in that house would still be living. In my opinion it doesn't matter. Even if the heroes got there in time the villain could of still blown up the house. I turned off the tv and went back to bed. 

I was just bored...

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