Rock Lee's Tips on Romancing a Lady

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It was a perfect day in Konohagakure- the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the market was busy with people doing their weekly shopping. All was well, and everyone felt peaceful... except for one small Genin.

"Lee-san!! Lee-san!!" Konohamaru was tripping over himself to reach said Chunin, who currently sat in amongst a group of his friends at an outside table at Yakiniku Q. Each of the Konoha Eleven (plus one) looked up, as the boy finally skidded to a stop.

"Konohamaru-kun?" Rock Lee asked in confusion, as Sarutobi Konohamaru panted, bent at the knee.

"I've been looking for you for ages, kure!" he exclaimed, as his breathing steadied, "I want you to train me!"

"Eh?" Lee blinked, "But, Konohamaru-kun, I've already helped you with your taijutsu, and I can't do anything else."

"When are we gonna eat?" grumbled Akimichi Chouji from across the table. Nara Shikamaru rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Nai, nai! I want you to train me in something else!" this seemed to have everyone at the table stumped, none knowing what else Lee could possibly teach the Third's grandson. The brunette boy clenched his fists, leaning closer in determination, "I want you to teach me how to make a girl fall in love with me!!"


And thus the challenge was set.

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