Entering to 30s

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This birthday will be one to remember. I can't believe I'm celebrating my 30th birthday during this crazy pandemic. All though I'm not a person to celebrate birthdays, but this time I am welcoming and celebrating 30s, my 30th birthday. And I've never been so excited for a birthday. There is definitely something good store for me in my 30s I can strongly sense it and am looking forward to it.

I always wanted to write a letter to myself, and what could be the great occasion to write to your 30 years older self on your 30th birthday. If you read it and can relate, great. If you don't want to read it, awesome. Sometimes I love to write and am gonna love this letter.

Dear Amazing Me,

Your 30th birthday is approaching so officially, you are not a girl anymore but wonderful amazing women.

Wow. Where do I being? You have grown up so much; I'm the only witness of your ups and down, bad and good days from your 20s and it forced you to grow the fxck up fast. I've seen leaps and bounds from the person you used to be. I just want to say how proud I'm of you and how much I love you! I love that you're always searching for ways to better yourself and you are continuously growing and improving.

And can you believe you are 30 years old now and you have come so far, you're resilient and hell strong. You should be so proud of who you are today. One litter advice (U already know this but sometimes you need a reminder) please do believe in yourself and don't be afraid to take risk and challenge yourself. I know you will rock it.

So here to the thirty, making the most of it. I want to tell you a little secret, that 30s is the new 20s. Yes you read it clearly, so I want you to live each and every moment of the life without any chaos.

Life is beautiful if you know the way to live it, life always has something to offer, you just need to recognize it and accept it. Life will never stop to offer you, clear your mind open your eyes spread your arms and grab the return gifts what life has to offer you and grow little by little day by day.

Whatever you missed in your 20s you gonna fulfil all that in your 30s. I know you have a long bucket list to do, a list to improve yourself and a list of goals to fulfil And what about the 2021 resolution list !? Did you forget that, hardly you are following some of it? I know since the pandemic, lockdown all the fxcking crazing things are going around the world and it does affect to everyone daily routine, so do you.

We are already at the middle of the year and entering to your 30s its best time to look into your life do follow up with your list/dreams/gaols. So bring it on, but don't try to be a super woman, be gentle with yourself and ask for help when you need the most. It's okay to ask help.

You have gone through a lot starting from career building, hardworking, restless nights, failed relationships and broken heart over and over..I have seen you in deep pain but now I am glad that you have overcome from everything and living your life happily. You can do even better with your life do not ever settle down keep moving keep growing. You got this.

Your thirty going to be a great decade, here something you need to remember always. You need to be yourself and none the less. Don't take life for granted, be kind but don't be naive, try to celebrate every milestone, live every moment, and live in the present because you can't recreate the time. Please do not compare yourself to others, it is a harmful behaviour and will lead you only into sadness and despair. Instead, learn to , listen more your intuition and follow what you deeply believe is good for yourself. You only knows what good for you, no one else does.
As earlier I said you're hell strong so believe on yourself and don't be afraid to take risk and challenge yourself. It's okay to change your mind to take risk and learn. It is not the end of the world.
I'm so proud you have chosen not to settle. At last your 30th birthday is the perfect moment to step back and forgive to whoever you couldn't may be some of them doesn't deserve it but you deserve the peace. This is the perfect time to start some good habits. You are doing bad ass things so go forth live life and most importantly, remember to have fun along the way. Your 30s is going to have lots of fun. Don't Stop. You got this.


Your 29yrs old. Be the best damn version of yourself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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