Chapter Seven

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When I wake up, I feel extremely well rested. I look over at the clock. 7:30 a.m. Early for summer. I lay my head back down and start to drift off to sleep, but then I remember where I am. I jump out of bed, pull on some new clothes, and head outside.

The first place I go is the corral. Nope.

I then go to the barn. Nada.

Shrugging my shoulders, I walk out down the trail to the furthest corral where D keeps the cows. I look in, and sure enough, there are cows. I climb into the fence and sit, scanning the many cows. I see a tall figure that doesn't fit in, then realize it's D.

I watch him caring for the cows, thinking about our conversation from yesterday. Apparently he saw mom in me, but him and mom are really similar. Mom is caring, strong, kind, and a lover of all animals. D, he is all the same features. I don't understand why they separated; they're so perfect for each other. I guess I never will quite understand.

D looks over in my direction, sees me, and waves. I wave back, and he motions for me to come in. I jump off the fence and walk over.

"Morning!" he says when I'm in earshot.

"Morning!" I shout back. As I walk the 100 ish yards, I gaze at the stunning scenery. Yesterday was all about horses. But I didn't really get the chance to look around. I see extremely high hills- mountains. They're mountains.

I stop and take it all in. The mountains to the east; the sun peaking out like a child hiding from the world. The forest, the river I know is in there, the barn, the tall grasses, the stunningly blue sky. I take in a deep breath, enjoying the not- so- polluted air. It's amazing. It's like waking up from a dream that hid the beauty of reality. I tear my gaze away from the scenery and finish the short journey to D.

"What's up Court?" D asks.

"The sky," I joke.

"Haha, very funny. But seriously, how's the day so far?"

"Good. I never really looked around here. I didn't realize there were mountains," I look toward the mountains as I say that. So does D, following my gaze.

"Ah, the Rockies. One of nature's greatest beauties. Guessing you don't have these in New York City, huh?"

I shake my head and turn back to D. "So, what's the plan for today?"

"Well, we need to go to town this morning, but after that, nothing really. You hungry?" he asks, handing me a bagel with egg, sausage, cheese, and BACON!!!!

"Bacon?!?!?! YUSSSSS!!!!" I yell.

"I knew you'd like bacon. Your mom and I both love it."

"Like father, like daughter," I say, taking a bite. He looks at me weirdly.

"What?" I ask. "Do I have food on my face?"

"No you don't. And, um, nothing. Not important." He turns away from me, but I can sense him smiling by the way his face features changed. I don't realize until he turns to the cow that I called him dad, but in a different way. I blush, taking another bite.

"So why are we here?" I ask.

He turns to me. "What?"

"Why are you in here? In the corral? Now?"

"Oh, I had to check on a calf. Wanna see?"

I nod. He walks over to a really small cow- calf I guess, and gently pulls him over. He's all black fur, no white fur. It's kinda cute.

"Hey buddy," I say, dropping my knees. "What's up?" I pet his head, and I get a moo in reply. I laugh. "What's his name?"

"Haven't named him yet. Wanna do the honors?"

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