Mattia might be gettinng some

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We went back and Everyone looked at us confused
I just winked at nessa
A: so how was la
Ro: yeah little miss sway
C: it was great found some new friends
K: what happened with you and Tayler
C: anyone believe in summer love
N: girl he u was in his bed every night
Mattia looked jealous
So I decided to carry on
C: u would understand if u had that dick in you
A: so u got it good
N: she was limping
Roshaun went oooo get it girl
C: okay enough of that Anyway so who is going to social bash in LA next week
Everyone apart from vic and Alvaro
C: I'm going to la in a few days with nessa so we will meet use there
M: how long for
C: until after social bash
K: you ever going to be in New Jersey
C: yeah I just have to go to triller for abit bc I might be joining
A: what about sway
M: yeah though you where a party animal now
C: you see Mattia just because they didn't accept you and you know I know how to party don't mean you for jealousy
All : oooooo
Then I got a notification on my phone I was 2 weeks late
C : anyway i off I cba with this I'm going to la early
N: girl what's up
C : I need to speak to tayler ASAP
They all looked confused I ran off
Nessa came after me
N: what's happened gorg
C : I'm 2 weeks late
N: what yo- oh shit

2 days later

I was in la in the triller house with everyone debating weather to tell him
N: girl you need to tell him
C: he won't care
Then tayler came over
T: who won't care about what
C: shit , tayler we need to speak in private
T: come to my room
We got to his room
T: what up princess
C: u won't like this when I tell you
T : just tell me pls you know I won't be angry
C: I'm late on my period
T: why would I be angry about tha- oh fuck no who is it
I looked at him
T : mme
I just nodded
He stood up and started pacing
T : I uhhh erm
C: now look if I am you don't need to be there or I will get rid
T: no don't say that if you are I will be there for you every step of the way you know that and you are not getting rid no let's get a test and find out
He lay me down and cuddled me

Oooo getting juicey

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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