STORY FORTY-TWO: Friends to Lovers

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For this chapter~
I'm just trying out a new trope :) For tropes, I usually write long private stories about enemies to lovers or forbidden lovers (angsty stuff that usually results in fluff) but I don't think I've tested much with this trope. So, I'm just trying it out! :)

(You're NOT dating Tendou in the start of this - you have a crush on someone but Tendou has a crush on you)

You paraded around the halls accompanied by your best friends, Tendou and Mizuki. Lunch was always your favorite subject of school, so you loved making a grand entrance to the cafeteria. You did, until you developed a crush on Semi.

"Ah, there he is," You muttered, crossing your arms. "That motherfucker. Just look at him."

"He's just eating... C'mon, Y/n. Having a crush isn't all that bad! Why are you getting so mad?" Mizuki asked, her nose deep in a book. "I mean, it's not like he's rejecting you in any way."

"I hate having crushes! They're terrible! Right, Satori?" You asked, seeking your best friend for agreement.

His eyebrows shot up as you scooted closer. "Ah, well, I don't think all crushes are bad." He mumbled, looking around frantically.

"But some are, y'know? Some really suck." You groaned.

Mizuki closed her book - a rare sight. "Y/n, go confess to him. If he rejects you, you'll eventually get over it. If not, you'll be with him. I know you."

"But I don't want to be with him, I'd rather stay in the talking phase forever. Commitment is scary for me with guys like that. Look at him!" You exclaimed, pointing to him.

"He looks pretty normal. Now, confess whenever you're ready."

"Fine, after school I will." You promised. Something Tendou didn't wish to hear.

After volleyball practice you did it. And the outcome - well, you can guess it by what comes next.
"I'm a terrible person!" You cried as you busted into Tendou's room.

"Okay, first, knock before you break my door open. Second, sit down, what the hell happened?!" Tendou questioned, making room for you as he patted on his bed, signaling for you to sit.

"Semi said I wasn't his type." You muttered, sniffling. "But the only girls he has dated in the past have been nice, generous girls. Does that mean I'm a bad person?!" You asked.

"I think you're overthinking this. Take a deep breath, alright? You're a wonderful person. Never forget that." Tendou comforted.

You nodded, hugging him.

"Do you wanna watch (comfort movie)?"

"...Yeah." You whispered.

"Do you also wanna stay like this for a while?" He inquired.

You nodded, closing your eyes as you wiped your tears on his shirt. He hugged you close, smoothing your hair gently.
"You did really well today, just so you know. And Semi has no idea what he's missing."

"An unlovable person?" You mumbled.

Tendou grabbed your arms gently and stared at you with eyes blown wide. "You? Unlovable?! Shenanigans! There are so many people out there who love you! I mean, I do." Tendou admitted, not realizing what he had said until a few seconds.

But you were already looking at him with wide eyes.

"You love me?" You whispered. "Like, as a friend, or do you mean as a-"

Tendou placed his hands on the small of your back, pulling you closer. He pressed his lips against yours stiffly, then stood up and ran away, grabbing his phone.

"Satori, wait!" You called.

He hurried out of the house and turned on his phone.

Mizuki 👁👄👁

Tendy Wendy Bendy
I've made a mistake 😃

You lanky motherfucker 😃
w h y
would you k i s s
my precious Y / n ?

Tendy Wendy Bendy

They told me obviously 💅
now explain because I am a big titty goth girl.
I can have anyone.
a n y o n e .

Tendy Wendy Bendy
it was an accident, idk what came over me
we were watching their comfort movie and they were hugging me
and then I accidentally admitted I loved them
and then they started talking and I didn't know what to say so I kissed them

How cliche 💅

MizukiHow cliche 💅

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Tendy Wendy Bendy
Did you just use a pic of m e for a reaction pic?

You wanna talk about disrespect?
Poor Y/n had a fucking crush on you in middle school. Remember?
And then, when they finally got a different crush, then CONFESSED, they got REJECTED, and went to YOU for COMFORT, you KISSED them and CONFUSED them.
So who's really being disrespectful here?

Tendy Wendy Bendy
I need to fix this

damn right.



(another update coming tomorrow <3)

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