Chapter 3

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"Hey, lover's quarrel again"

She looks behind her back when she heard kirby's voice. The australian redhead is leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed. Her relationship with kirby has been good they both decided to call it truce. Fallon really saw how kirby wanted to be her friend so she decided to let her be and kirby didn't let her down. The two grew much closer as fallon hired kirby to be her assistant. Everytime Liam and her have a fight kirby's the one whose been by her side and even in her stressful days in the office, kirby is the one who she's ranting about how shitty her day been.

"How'd you know?" Fallon said before taking a swig from a bottle of wine. Kirby walked towards her and sat beside her.

"Wine,piano, and uh hate to say this your ugly crying" kirby chuckled to her friend. Fallon frowned at her.

"guess you know me" fallon said offering kirby a wine which the latter turned down.

"No thanks I have audition tomorrow can't be late"

"Audition from what what?" Fallon curiously asked kirby.

"Modeling" kirby said. Fallon chuckled.

"What ? I always want to try modeling" kirby huffed.

"I'm sorry, You? Modeling? You're kidding"

"Hey stop laughing at me I'm serious" kirby groans at fallon.

"A'right just don't come ranting at me about your schedule, how you hated being on a diet and how exhausted you are from exercising. Lastly, you hated doing weights" fallon teased kirby. The latter rolled her eyes.

"I can do it have a little faith on me fallon"

"Okay okay, To be honest you're really fit to model and can't deny you have legs to die for"

Kirby looks away from fallon trying to hide her blush from the compliment she received.

"Well uh thanks, Enough about me. Care to tell what happened between you and liam?" Kirby asked fallon. Fallon shifted in her sit.

"We're taking a break"

"A break? Ridiculous you two would be back in no time" kirby chuckled.

"All we do is fight, kirby. I don't know if it is stress or this is really the end of our relationship." Fallon said a hint of disappointed and sadness visible in her voice. Truth is kirby is not good at giving advice and comforting people but there is one way she thinks might work however she's praying fallon won't push her away. Kirby wrapped her arm around fallon's shoulder pulling the latter closely beside her. Fallon tense for a second she's not a touchy person but it seems like her body has it's own mind when it automatically leaned and relaxed in kirby's embraced. A moment of silence falls between the two until kirby decided to speak.

"Don't push me, I'm suck at comforting people so I hope this will do" Kirby mumbled.

Instead Fallon just chuckled at her and just bury her head on kirby's neck.

"You'll get through it like you always do, Fal" kirby added.

The two stayed in each other's arm for awhile until kirby decided to pull away. Fallon finds herself nearly frown from being pulled out from the latters embraced and she couldn't understand why, there's always something about kirby's presence. Warmth, she thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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