Chapter two: stop

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Nor/s tell me if you want more ! I will give a preview of the next chapter:D I
will today , but the whole thing of chapter 2 will be posted tomorrow at 7:00 or earlier:D OH ! And WARNINGS : curseing , sexual references , self harm , gore ,homo stuff ( CUZ Y NOT) and I promise the swearing will die down at the end of the first book ok so yea : THANK U FOR 106 READS😍 nor/e😸
*time skip *
Preview : karkat'sPOV
I watched along side Kanaya too shocked to do anything looking what was going on .What the hell was going though his mind what is going though his mind Sollux isn't dead he is just KO'd but Feferi is dead.
Oh no
He just culled all of our hope TO EXIST
That asshole
Kanaya no don't fight
Why can't I move
Why am I not doing anything
how do I move
If I could what could I do now

*time back skip *
Eridans p0v:
Ok so the next thing that wwill get me on jack's side is to destroy
The Matriorb
That wwill end all hope
That's wwhy I'm the
Prince of hope
Arn't I
Supposed to
Follow wwhat path
That flubbing fuck fish wwas set for me?

I held my wwand up then back down in a motion destroying the only fin that could savve troll civvilization
Wwhy am I doing this
Am I insane

Great Kanaya wwhants to fight
Or die
Cull her
At least I wwill havve kar.

My next wwand movement I killed Kanaya


*TO BE 😏


Book one:I'm not that fun (a Eridan x KARKAT reader)Where stories live. Discover now