Chapter 21

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( Two weeks have passed by since Lauren returned home from the hospital.)

Gary's POV

Drumming my fingers against the top of the kitchen table, whilst reading the morning newspaper and sipping my strong coffee, an unfamiliar sound catches my ears attention. Peering up from the crumpled paper, a smartly dressed figure appears in front of me. Squinting my eyes, I narrow a brow as soon as she gives me eye contact. "Where are you going?" 

Lightly she smiles, whilst stealing a slice of my toast which sits in front of me on the table. "Where do you think? Its about time I went back." 

"...Babe, are you sure? Its only been-"

"I know." Abruptly she cuts me off and exhales a deep sigh. "I know how long its been, the date is tattooed onto my brain, but I can't stay in here for the rest of my life, I need to keep myself busy. Plus I don't want to get any further behind with work, I haven't had a customer in weeks." 

Tilting my head slightly, softly I smile up towards the female. "Come here..." Stretching out my arms, Lauren takes a few steps closer, before comfortably dropping onto my lap. Firmly pressing my lips against her temple, I rest my chin onto her shoulder. "I'm proud of you... my strong lady." 

"Hmmm..." Stroking her fingertip against my stubbled chin, she drops her forehead against mine. "...Are you busy tonight? After work that is." 

Wrapping my arms around Lauren's waist whilst she remains on my lap, I try and absorb the moment the best that I can. "I don't think so?" 

"Good." Jumping up out of my contact, she reaches for her handbag which is hanging off the chair opposite. "...Maybe we could go for some dinner at that new place which has just opened, in the city centre?" 

"Oh yeah, that Italian place?" Picking up the newspaper again, I flick through the various printed pages. "I'll see if its advertised in 'ere, then I'll see if there's any tables left. What time shall I book it for?" 

"Say about...eight- thirty? I don't want to go looking like a lawyer." Patting down her blazer jacket, she chuckles, which brings a flutter to my heart. I haven't heard that laugh in such a long time. 

"Eight - thirty it is." 

Bending down slightly, Lauren catches my lips with hers, letting my taste that typical cherry flavoured lipgloss. Briefly closing my eyes, gently her teeth nibble against my earlobe. "And...if you behave...there might some dessert for you once we're home." 

Almost choking on my breath with the thought of what could possibly be classed as dessert, my teeth sink into my bottom lip. "...Do I get a hint?" 

"Nah ah." 

"...Maybe...Maybe a teaser of it then?" Tugging onto the bottom of her white blouse, she shakes her head. 

"Sorry, babe. You'll have to wait until later...I'm going to be late." Playfully a sullen look appears on my face, which causes Lauren to giggle at the sight. "...Don't give me that look. Just remember what will be coming later, yeah?"

"Ok babe. Have a good day and don't tire yourself out, promise?" 

Pecking my lips once again, faintly she smiles. "I'll try my best. Right...I better go. I love you." 

"See you later babe...I...I love you...too..." 

With one final kiss, Lauren exists through the front door, leaving me alone. 


Jumping out of the shower, the sound of my mobile echoes in the bedroom. Wrapping a towel securely around my waist, still with shampoo running down my neck, I pick my vibrating mobile out from the unmade bed. "...H...Hello?" Panting for my breath back, I flick the suds out from my view. 

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