2. Meeting The Guys

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Gerard's P.O.V

I couldn't believe I had actually convinced a girl so hot to actually hang out with me. I mean, out of everyone in the entire school, I get her first? I'm one of the school's biggest losers and usually the jocks walking punching bag.

You see, in our school people are usually put into categories. Like first of there are the popular people, the average people, the nerds and smart-asses, loners and the very last on the list - emo and Gothic dip-shit people. Of course its not much of a surprise for me to be put into that category. I mean, just look at me.

But what about her? I mean, she was defiantly goth and yet so sexy. By the end of the day she'll start to get noticed and start hanging out with the popular people for sure, I'm just lucky this morning. Doesn't mean my luck will shine forever.

We walked over to find her locker in awkward silence. Just a few seconds ago I appeared so cool and awesome, of course it was just an act and I was making it up as I went along but now I just didn't know anything cool to say.

As I tried to think of what to say she immediately started jogging over to a locker that I presumed to be hers. 

"Oh hey, here it is, number forty-one." She smiled up at me as she pulled her bag off her shoulder and started to load all her books in.

My heart missed a beat when I realised her locker was just right next to mine. "Awesome, you're next to my locker!" I said a little too excitedly.

"Sweet, we're locker buddies." She laughed as she flashed me another smile. I felt as if I could melt any second right about now.

She pulled out a sketchbook that immediately got my attention. The front cover was beautiful, it was a drawing of herself with her hair curled up, with beautiful makeup and she was wearing a black stylish dress. It looked so detailed, I could have easily mistaken it for a photograph.

"Whoa, can I look at that?" I took the sketchbook out of her hand without waiting for an answer. I quickly flicked through the book and saw so many realistic, photograph looking pictures. "This is amazing, you did all this?" I asked her amazed.

"Yeah, I love art. Its actually something I tend to do all the time. How about you?." She asked as she continued to put her books away.

"I love art, its my favorite subject... finally I meet someone who has the same amount of love for it as me. I mean, not many people are pretty good in art at our school. Not meaning to brag or anything, but I'm like the best artist in the school." I managed to say and immediately regretted it. I didn't want her to think of me as some show-off.

"Really? I would love to see your art sometime, I'm really interested when it comes to other peoples work." She says as she finally packs everything away.

"I could show you today at lunch if you want..." I asked nervously, hoping she wouldn't say no and leave me to feel majorly embarrassed.

"I would love that thanks, I mean, I don't wanna like take away time from your lunch..." I could see how nervous she got, and I just couldn't help but admire how adorable she looked.

"Are you kidding me? It would be my pleasure." I say as I folded my arm waiting for her to put hers through. She did, and smiled at me and I felt so much love. "Now, let me show you my friends."

We walked around trying to find the guys and in the meantime talked about some random things like video-games, books, art (of course) and loads of other things. She seemed like an amazing girl and we had like so much in common.

We made it out onto the oval where I saw a few people sitting in a circle, and I knew exactly who they were. How could I not? They don't blend in with everyone else in the school, after all we're completely different.

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