Prologue: Cole Shade

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"Power is neither good nor evil, but its user makes it so." Erin Hunter.

The Kingdom of Vale was a small and simple land, being the home to one of the four main academies in the world. Vale ranges from its normal citizens to its thriving businesses such as markets, clubs, and shops among other things, but unfortunately, among the innocents, numerous criminals are roaming the streets, robbing and stealing from others. But tonight's crime was on the horizon, and it was happening at the docks.

The docks are where cargo ships and freight would come in; usually, it would be food, water, and especially dust from the Schnee Dust company.

The dust was stored in shipping containers, and high above the docks was a teenage boy in a black jacket and wearing a black hood over his head.

From his vantage point high above, the young man had a clear view of a nefarious group of individuals. He could see a few of them scouring the area, their eyes scanning for crates filled with precious dust supply. Meanwhile, the rest of the group was busy loading the crates onto waiting vehicles or keeping a vigilant lookout for anyone who might dare to disrupt their illicit activities.

The young man had gotten up and quickly observed the area as he then silently jumped down, landed quietly, and got behind cover.

From the perspective of the young boy, he had observed that the number of criminals in the vicinity was quite limited. In fact, he could only spot a handful of them, approximately five to ten individuals, which included at least nine individuals who seemed to be lightweights in terms of their build and strength. In contrast, there was one individual who stood out as a heavyweight and appeared to be the leader of this entire criminal organization.

The boy had to get through all of them to stop them from stealing any more dust; he had a plan B in case anything went wrong.

For a few minutes, the boy cautiously hid behind a cover, eavesdropping on the conversation between the guards. He intently listened to every word they uttered, analyzing their tone and gestures before finally deciding to make his move.

"So what do you think he wants with all this dust...?" said a man.

"I don't know, but it sure is important for us to come out here almost every night and steal pure dust crystals," replied the other.

"Hey, idiots....!" said a very loud voice coming from a man wearing a black suit and carrying a giant club-like hammer.

"We don't have time for you messing around; the boss will have our heads if we don't deliver these dust crystals..." The tall man said it in a very serious tone.

"Sorry boys, but I don't think you'll be stealing anything anytime soon," said the boy quietly as he got from cover, walking stealthily, crouching low to the ground. He had gotten behind one of the guards, quickly incapacitating him. He moved on to two more guards, watching the dust being loaded, and he knocked one of the guards out. What the-but before he could say anything else, he was quickly knocked out.

"Hey, what's going on over there?" said a loud voice as he went to go look, but to his surprise, nobody was there. The boy quickly got to a shipping container and was in the middle of where the criminals were.

"Huh...?" Said a voice, "Hey boys, get a look at this; we have ourselves an intruder."

"You shouldn't be here, kid." "Run along before you get hurt," said another voice.

"He ain't going to do anything, watch," the shades-wearing man as he was about to punch him, but the young man caught the fist.

"Hey, let go," he said as he was trying to break free from the boy's grasp.

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