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She just wanted him to look at her. Even a tiny side glance would be enough to make her day. But his eyes were focused on him. Nagito Komaeda, the lucky student whom she loved, had his eyes on Hajime. She knew the two had a falling out, and eventually broke up due to Nagito's current mental condition, but it was abundantly clear to her that Nagito still pined for his ex-lover. Did Hajime realize this? Probably not. A few weeks after Nagito and Hajime's break up, Hajime started dating the Ultimate Gamer. The reserve course student had successfully moved on with his love life, but Nagito didn't and it pained Mikan to see this happen to her friend.

Actually, it was more than a friendship, she believed. The last time Mikan had felt such a strong feeling was with Junko. But Junko had been dead for well over a year now, and Mikan was finally on the stage of recovery. Her heart opened up again after the failed relationship, and although she was afraid to love again, she couldn't help but fall for the lucky student.

The reason why Mikan felt such a strong connection to him was due to one thing - his hope. The way he could always remain positive when everyone else had given up, when she had given up especially. She admired that hope, and desired it as well. And slowly but surely, the Ultimate Nurse had grown feelings for the white haired boy.

But his eyes were never on her. His eyes were on Hajime, instead.

This feeling always pained her, and sometimes she felt she had made a mistake to love him, but she didn't want to let that feeling go. She continued to bond with Nagito, and help their friendship blossom. She talked to him, and enjoyed it, and even listened to him go on his rants about hope. She thought that would be enough to make him let go of Hajime, but it didn't.

He still loved his ex boyfriend, and the pain was too much for her. So she did the only thing she could think to do.

She isolated herself from him, the boy she loved and wanted to protect. She started to avoid him and stopped hanging out with him completely, because she knew no matter how hard she tried, he simply wouldn't let go of his love for the reserve course student.

And she thought he wouldn't care, or even notice. But he did.

She was in the library, reading a book about medical studies when she peered up from her book and her eyes caught onto him. He walked in, eyes peering back and forth as if he was looking for something. Or someone. Before she could get up and walk out, he spotted her and sat down in front of her.

"We need to talk." He spoke with full seriousness, which was rare for his lighthearted personality.

Mikan refused to speak, but her mouth did anyway. "A...about what?"

"You know about what."

"I.. I really d-don't."

Nagito sighed, then coolly smiled. "Let's not discuss this here, let's go to the beach."

And so, she reluctantly followed. Out the library and to the empty beach where the waves were crashing and the seagulls were laughing.

"W-what is it, N-nagito?"

He let go of her arm and put the same hand on his hip. "Can I ask why you've been talking to me less? We used to hang out almost every day, and I've noticed as of lately that you've been ignoring me. Did I do or say something wrong?"

Mikan was surprised that Nagito even noticed that she was avoiding him, but she didn't say that because she didn't want to make him more upset.


Before she could finish, Nagito smiled and spoke again. "You love Hajime, don't you Mikan? I mean, who wouldn't have a crush on Hajime? Look at him!! So much hope!! How wonderful! I dont blame you for liking him as much as I do, Mikan!"

"If You Love Me Forever" - Komamiki One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now