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I remember the end of the world.

An Earth where people can be born with connections to celestial moons. An Earth where people could be hunted by other people.

An Earth where not every person, is human.

I grew up hearing stories of those people coexisting in ancient times, where no matter what creature—a person was still there underneath.

A world split by four. Humans, Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches. The Kismet Square.

The Kismet Square divided the creatures into four nations, yet united them under one continent. Series of evolution and technological advances were dispersed between the nations and shared. There were no wars to be fought.

Many moons had passed until a dawn emerged from over the horizon of our Earth and brought with it the winds of certain change.

The leader of the Vampire Nation sought out more of an understanding of the world. Wanting to adventure, explore, and find the true meaning of creation.

"There is no difference between us," the leader once expressed to the other three. "If we are all bounded to be equal—we ought to turn our lands into one."

"But who would rule that land?" the werewolf would then ask.

"Of course it would be the humans. The humans are the beginning of creation," the human argued. "If not for us, we wouldn't have anything."

Of course, you can put the rest together.

A human being was seen as the top of the pyramid—an untouchable creature who's power of mind was believed to outsmart any monster. Therefore, their leader believed she of all people would be enough to rule over the single united nation.

The witch and werewolf argued, not wanting a shift in the balance of power. They believed in their own right to be the most powerful.

But not the vampire. He believed they were all equal in some light. This vampire fought for his desire to be united as four, using the most of his voice to inspire a change of heart. It wasn't so easy.

"How about the four of us together?"

"Could we try to find a way to balance it all?"

He tried countlessly, begging on hand and knee to the others about his proposals. They never listened, or at least enough to make a claim.

One night, the three leaders met in secret to discuss matters without the knowledge of the vampire knowing. No one knows what happened at the meeting, but one way or another they ended up at the Vampire's palace.

Only then, did they find him dead.

To this day, no one knows who murdered the leader of the Vampire's. It could've been the work of the other leaders, or perhaps a suicide or inside job. It's anyone's guess really.

But you can imagine what happened because of that. A large war between all four nations, ending sour.

Or at least that's how the story goes. Whether or not it's really history is debatable.

Either way, I remember these stories in full detail. From a young age, I've always been fascinated with other creatures. Witches, Werewolves, and Vampires. I studied them, read books and did my own small research.

You'd think in a world like mine running into one would be easy, right?

Not really :(

Point Blank PerilousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora