Chapter 6

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I go home for dinner, which is not nearly as nice as I would have liked. My parents are alternately arguing, and flirting with each other followed by very intense but short make out sessions whenever they can manage to stop bickering for ten seconds. It doesn't matter if we're present one or the other will kiss the other for a really long time. It's annoying how attractive they find the other when they're mad. Apparently, it's why I'm here but I can still be annoyed with them.

Asha needs to be ushered in from looking at the stars six times, then Willow needs multiple hugs before I can depart. Melody goes about checking the kids' lessons on their tablets, then sending them to wash up before bed. Baz double checks their lessons and sets up their breakfast for the next day in case one or both of them are gone.

"I'm going to head out," I tell him, looking down at my scanner.

"You can sleep here you know," he doesn't like me out in the woods. But they couldn't keep me inside even when I was small. I remember sneaking out at night to curl up in the grass, listening to the wind. Melody would find me out there, and curl up with me, keep me warm in the night.

"I know, thanks---I'm fine, I was thinking I'd take a job," I say, as I watch the requests for Fae pop up on the scanner, along with unique ID codes of the requestor. Some are verified users of the system, some aren't. There's one in particular I'm looking for.

"All right, be safe in Tira, this is the start of their festivals, all sorts out on the streets," he says.

"I know, it's fine," I say, shrugging, "I'm just bored you know?"

"Yeah---thanks for hanging out with them earlier," he says, nodding to the two little ones who are mostly ready for bed. Willow's stalling and hanging on our mother.

"I'm fond of them, all right, I'll see you tomorrow I guess, don't do anything stupid?" I ask, smiling.

"Don't do anything stupid," he says, cuffing the back of my head.

"You going on a job, Jen?" Melody asks.

"Yeah, actually yeah," I say, glancing down at my scanner. It popped up. 139580UZ, the unique code, unverified. I've responded every time. I tap it and tuck the scanner in my pocket, "Yeah, I'm going into Tira, you need anything?"

"You to be careful, don't do anything your father would do," she says, hugging me.

"I won't, it's an easy job just some enchantments. I've worked for this guy before," I lie.

"You're going to take me sometime right?" Asha asks. Once she's completed her quest she can come along on easy jobs to practice magic and learn her way around the city. My parents took turns taking me and I went with other Fae as I chose. I suspect they'll be more strict with her all things considered. Not that they wouldn't trust me they just have been apprehensive considering her unique gifts. One of which is inexplicably knowing when I'm lying.

"Yeah, definitely, I'll see you later," I say, letting the two little ones hug me before I depart.

It takes a good part of the night just to get out of the Fen, and the surrounding woods. I love these woods. They're like regular wood, except the trees are older than time itself, and no matter what time of day it is there's just a soft light drifting down from above. And everything smells fresh and like moss and morning dew.

After the woods I reach the edge of Tira, which at this end is mostly the bazaar and rows of houses. At this time of night the bazaar isn't closed, it's just generally unsavory. I will have to cut through it to make it to the trains that run through and around Tira. The right lines will take you out of the city to other countries, of course for the proper fair with the proper documentation. With my cloak wrapped well over my Fae armor and the hood pulled up I look like a regular mage. Mostly. Anyone looks at my face I look a bit dragonborn I think.

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