1. The Beginning

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   When Professor Xavier asked if you wanted to work with the Avengers you couldn't believe your luck. Out of everyone who attended the Xavier Institute, or, as it was more lovingly referred to, the X-Mansion, the Professor chose you for everyone's dream job. Working with the Avengers.

You would get to hang around everyone's all time favorite super-heroes. Living in the tower with them, training in the same training room as them, and even helping them on their missions (if they needed you.)

      But you had to remember; this job wasn't going to be all fun and games.

For the reason you were even going to the Avengers Tower in the first place was because of the Mutant Registration Act. An Act that, if passed, would grant the government the right to register every mutant, track them, ban mutant children from schools, and even arrest mutants sight on seen.

The Act hadn't  been passed yet, but with more and more mutants coming out, and the ever rising degree of fear going around, it is only a matter of time before your's and all your friend's way of life is at risk.

The Avengers heard about the Mutant Registration Act the same way everyone else did; the news.

When Tony Stark and Steve Rogers heard about the Act they contacted the Professor right away, asking if there was anything they could do to help.

Professor Xavier has helped the Avengers more than a few times over the years. In return the two organizations became close acquaintances. That's how the Avengers knew that his school is not only just a school for gifted children, but for children who are born mutants.

Professor Xavier and the Avengers came up with a plan that would hopefully work to ease the human's fears of mutants. They thought that if the Avengers had a mutant on their team it would show the humans that mutants are nothing to be afraid of. In fact mutants can help protect them and keep them safe, just like the beloved Avengers.

     The Professor chose you for this job because your core mutant power wasn't that intimidating on the surface. It wasn't like you could set fire to a neighborhood, cause tower crumbling earthquakes, or control peoples minds, taking away their free will.


     To the humans of earth you will just be a young adult who can turn into cute fuzzy animals at will.

Nothing too intimidating.

You pulled up to the massive grey, white, and blue building that rose above the city. Taking your motorbike helmet off you gawked up at the majesty of the tower. It's many windows glistening in the sunlight, shining like a jewel in the busy, bustling city of New York. You were too close to the tower to see the iconic Avengers A that embellished the elegant tower but the building was impressive none the less.

When you were done taking in the sights of the majestic tower you kicked out the kickstand and turned off your motorbike, dismounting it with ease. You placed your helmet on the seat of your bike then ran your fingers through your hair, letting it fall back into its natural unruly state.

       The doors automatically opened when you got close enough, opening up into a lobby filled with all kinds of Avenger memorabilia.

There were glass cases, each one with something different inside. One case housed some of Tony Stark's old arc reactors. While another held an old bow of Clint's.

"Alright." A lady in a fancy dress suit announced. "The 12:30 tour will be starting up in just ten minutes. If you have a ticket for that tour please gather over by the mural of the Avengers."

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