The reason i ran away... The meeting

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The night after my mechanical arms were placed, i ran away. RAN AWAY. I am kind of scared of saying this word, but i say it a million times in my head. Ran away. Ran away. Ugh, my life stinks.

So i sit there. Alone on a street corner were no one can see me. All alone. With no one. NO ONE. that word has haunted me ever since i went into foster care. Then i hear something.

"Hmm? Anyone here?" A voice says. Maybe he/she saw me? Sounds like a dude. Who knows?

"Hallow?" He says again.

I laugh at how stupid that sounds.

Then i see him. He is so adorable!!! Well to me i guess... Other girls would think he is a mess.

He is wearing a lot of green, tall, braces, and has cool streaks in his hair.

"I'm JACK💎, yours?"

I don't know what the heak i am supposed to say. "I-i'm...K. K Heisenberg"

"Nice name u got der."


"No need to thank me. Do u have a home?"

"Actually no..."


"I am a runaway."

Quiet gasp*

"Oh... Wanna stay at my place?"

What? That is like a totaly like... But then i say it.



Lol. Pls vote and like i know the chapter is short but i hope u likeyyy

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