Chapter 2

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Harry Styles, the guy who looks so amazing up on stage standing right in front of me. Almost touching me. My heart is pounding. He looks at me up and down making my cheeks a bright pink.

Madelyn was brought backstage by Zayn, The same time Harry stopped in front of me.

Now it's just Harry and I standing in the middle of an empty bar. His eyes were deep green, I could get lost in them. I've never truly appreciated his beauty until tonight. He hasn't said anything, only staring at me. While I'm waiting for him to talk I stare at his beautiful body. He is wearing a black shirt with black jeans. The shirt fits perfectly around him. He looks so angelic.

Snapping me out of my trans he says "Hey i'm Harry Styles, i assume you already know that though."

I nodded my head, my face getting more red.

"So you're into photography?"

"Yeah" i say timidly

"Nice, never really liked photographers but you, you I could tolerate"

I laugh a little.

"Wanna go backstage?"

"Sure, i'll just have to find Madelyn soon"

We start walking toward a side door to go into a backstage area.

"She's with Zayn, he was watching her the whole show"

"It was mutual Zayn is her favorite"

"Who's your favorite?"

I don't reply. Not because I don't want to, just because I really don't know. I mean Harry is beautiful and everything but so are the other boys.

He stops in the doorway turning to meet me.

"I asked who your favorite was."

I could tell by my burning cheeks I was blushing hard.

"You are." I said confidently, moving his body so I could walk through the door.

"Am I, or are you just saying that to make me feel good?"

I turn to face him while walking backwards

"I dunno, Niall's pretty hot."

"He grabs my wrist, yanking me into a room."

"Niall?" He asks

"Yeah, Niall." I am trying to keep my confidence.

He pushes me against a wall gently "Do you want me to go get Niall for you Princess?" He whispers in my ear.

I don't say anything, my heart is racing.

"I asked you a question."

"No- no you don't need to get Niall"

"Good" he says coldly.

He let go of my wrist but still had me pushed against the wall.

"You're really pretty, it would be nice to have a photographer like you around."

"I'm still in school." I say even though I would love to travel with them, with Harry. My job is to take pictures of Harry.

"What about this summer?" He says practically begging.

"My grandma would never let me Harry"

Out of nowhere he starts kissing my neck.

"We could have so much fun this summer April"

"Harry i just can't"

He backs up looking at me like I'm crazy.

"I'm offering you the time of your life and you're denying me?"

"Harry really i would love to but i can't"

"What do you mean you can't

"My grandma is way too overprotective to let me go out with you guys on tour for 2 months"

He looks upset, I don't know why he would get so upset we just met like twenty minutes ago.

"Whatever" he says in a tone very upsetting

"Harry i-"

"No, it's fine." he said backing away more

"You can leave." he says without looking at me

"What?" I said in disbelief. 

"I said you can leave April." He made eye contact with me. 


"Just leave." he practically screamed at me. I walked out of the room and started for the bar area. He grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Harry let go you told-" though it wasn't Harry, it was Liam Payne, one of the guitarists.

"Shhhh, I'm not harry. Don't make a fuss"

"What are you doing?"

He didn't answer me.

We were walking really fast towards an exit .

I was trying to get my wrist free but he is way stronger than me.

"Liam what are-"

"Shut up"

I started to freak out. I screamed for Harry.

Harry walked out of the room and stared with no emotion on his face. He didnt hurry to me, he didnt care.

"Hel-" i tried to scream

Liam slapped me. hard.  He slammed me against a wall. "I told you to shut up." he says with no sympathy at all. I started to cry thinking the worst. Liam fell to the ground and a pool of blood was following, when I looked up I saw Harry standing behind where Liam was with a knife in his hand covered in blood.

"Liam i've been waiting to stab you since you joined this band, your lucky im not allowed to kill you"

"April leave." he says looking at me now. 

I couldn't move. I just watched Harry Styles stab someone.

"Leave April." he yelled. "Do you fucking want me to stab you too?  leave."

I ran. I ran as fast as I could. Not to the exit no. I went to find Madelyn. I got to the last door before I slammed it open and there she was making out with Zayn.

"We need to leave Now."

"April what-"

I grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door. By the time I got back into the hallway, Harry and Liam were gone. The pool of blood still there. 

"We're leaving Madelyn."

"Okay let's go" she says, sensing the level of urgency in my voice.

"April what is that?" Madelyn asks as we pass the blood. I don't say anything I can't say anything.

We got to Madelyn's car and sat in silence the entire way back to my house. I couldn't talk anymore. I was in shock. When we got back I didn't even bother going through the window. I was too exhausted to climb. I walked through the front door. I went to my room, changed and fell asleep hoping it would all go away. 

I'm not very good at writing yet so bare with me but I will get there.

Count on me to upload all the time because I have nothing else to do!

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