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"So what do you wanna do" riker asked

"I want to - " Laura stopped talking at had shocked eyes.

"Laura what happened " riker asked

Laura falls on the floor


Laura's POV

I was talking to riker when I felt pain the middle of my stomach and fell to the floor

End of POV

"Laura!!!"riker yelled ."I need a doctor ... amy !! You did this "riker was getting mad.

"I warned you lynch " amy then left laughing.

The doctos came and took laura to the emergency room

-after a while -

"Laura morano " dr. young said.
"Yes " r5 said.

"I'm afraid Ms. morano is in a coma " Dr. young said

"Whatt?!? How she was stabbed right !!" Riker asked

"She was but apparently it cause more problems in her body " Dr. young said

"Can I see her? " Riker said ."yes she's in the first left room "

Rikers POV

When I walked in I saw laura laying there she looked dead

End of POV

"Please laura come back I know you can I need you" riker said

After a few seconds riker heard a long
Beeping sound it came from Laura's machine

"Mr . lynch I m going to ask you to leave please "Dr. young said.

- 2 minutes later-

"Laura morano " Dr . young said

"Is she alright " riker said ." well... " Dr. young started .


Hey guys what do think happened to Laura now? Comment , vote





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