Chapter 1: What The?

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Matthew's POV:

"Damien, the traitor you wanted to be captured, is with us, send your men over. And take him, I don't want to see him in my city again!" I say over the phone gripping it tightly.

"Got it, thanks, King." With that, he cuts the call not that I care.

Heading outside I see clouds covering the skies of Milan. I sigh, for some reason, I don't like the rain. This is ironic since Archer's fiancé's middle name is Rain.

The driver takes out the car and I sit in the back, opening my phone I see I missed two calls from my sister, Christy, smiling I call immediately, "Bro! Where are you? You promised you'd be in time for my play and it's already 7:15! The play's starting in 30 minutes! Everyone's here except you!"

I can literally hear her pouting, chuckling inwardly, "Don't worry princess, I'll be there on time, don't you worry your pretty little head about it."

She's always had a passion for acting after seeing Aunt Amalie's dramas and movies that's until she quit almost about 5 years after marrying Uncle Austin. Now she directs them mostly if she likes any project but mostly has retired from the entertainment industry as she doesn't like the hype and mostly it's an invasion of her private life.

After saying love you she hangs up, out of nowhere the car takes a swerve so deadly that it surprises me, and thankfully since the windows are custom made nothing shatters, I look toward the driver to say something but stop looking in front. My eyes widen at the scene.

"S-sir... That girl c-came out of n-nowhere! I was trying to avoid the drunk driver but d-didn't see the girl..."

"I'll talk about that later!" I shout and get out of the run towards the girl. Shit! She was severely hit by our car she's bleeding too much!

But what shocks me is that she's in a wedding gown... Was she running away from her wedding? I look at her face and am shocked to see such beauty! Her auburn hair now in a mess, but she looks like a beautiful mess. Quickly I pick her up and set her in my car and shout to my driver to step on it. All the while I pray to be alright.

This might be the first time I ever prayed so seriously to God. Reaching our family hospital, the staff is shocked to see me but I could care less. I call for a doctor and they immediately have her taken from me.

10 minutes later I check my phone to have 40 missed calls from Mom, 5 from Dad, 7 from Archer and the list goes on. Before I can call anyone I get another call and it's Dad, I pick it up, "Matthew Aaron King! Where the hell is you?! Why weren't you responding to our calls? Do you have any time how worried we all are?" He shouts.

"D-Dad there was an accident..." He cuts me off, "What?! Are you alright?"

Messing up my hair with my other hand, I respond, "Dad I'm fine... There was a girl who got hit by our car... I brought her to the hospital..."

Dad sighs on the other end, "Is she alright? How did this even happen? I thought Jones is always careful."

"Avoiding the drunk driver he couldn't avoid hitting the girl. It just happened so quickly I can't even wrap my head around it... Dad can you tell Christy sorry..." I'm not able to continue as the doctor comes rushing to me.

"Sir, the patient is losing too much blood, we need you to fill forms and arrange the blood group for her." He says handing me the file.

Cutting the call I look in her file and I want to kill myself for the injuries she's sustained... Closing my eyes for a moment I calm myself and then open my eyes, looking into her blood group which is O positive thankfully, I'm the same so I volunteer myself. Signing the papers I hand him the file and head over to the desk to sign the paperwork.

Half an hour later, the nurse comes out and hands me the things she was wearing on her, the one thing that catches my eye is the pendant she was wearing. It has in small cursive writing, Felicity. I wonder if that's the girl's name.

I clench the pendant in my hand thinking of her lifeless brownish-green eyes as they looked at me but it seemed as though they've witnessed a pain they weren't expecting. For the first time in my life, I wanted to kill the bastard who caused that pain to such a pure angel.

It's been 3 hours and still, the operation is in progress, I already, donated my blood as we are the same blood group. Mom was the first to arrive along with Christy, Archer, Evie, and Liam.

Immediately Mom and Christy hugged me I hug them back I know how they must be feeling, Christy starts crying and I hug my princess tighter, "I was so scared when you weren't picking up your phone, big bro."

I nod, kiss her on her hair, "Sorry, princess. I'm so sorry for scaring you like that."

It's no secret we have a lot of enemies and would do anything to harm our family. So of course, it would scare the living daylights out of any one of us if one of us didn't pick the calls.

At that moment, the doctor comes out, with a grim expression which wipes out any relief I hoped for, "Mr. King, I'm happy to inform you that the girl has sustained a lot of injuries but has survived, but there are repercussions, she has a broken wrist, the fractured leg which will take at least a month before she can start physiotherapy and broken ribs. She'll need to take very slow for a couple of months. But there is more, right before the accident, she severely stressed out about something and the hit caused her neurological injury to her skull, meaning she has very severe case amnesia. It may be possible that she may not ever remember the life she led before."

The hand in which I was still holding the pendant turns into a fist just thinking about the pain she has had to endure, Dad puts his hand on my shoulder, then speaks, "Is that all?"

"Yes, Mr. King, we'll be shifting her in the room, due to her injuries we'll keep her in coma-induced sleep for the next 3 days so that her body can start healing. Also, it seems that she has been through a lot of pain in the past considering she has marks on her back and arms." The doctor finishes.

I want to kill the bastards who dared to hurt such a delicate angel! Wait a sec... How many times have I called her angel? Am I going crazy? Why do I care so much about her?

When she's being shifted, Christy gasps we all turn to her, she has tears in her eyes, "That's Felicity! She's my senior... And used to protect me from the bullies until Dad found out and had them expelled... How could this happen to her?"

So her name really is Felicity, "Sweetie, do you know her full name?" Mom asks.

She immediately shakes her head, "No Mommy, she always said that she'd rather not take her father's name at all if possible. So she referred to as Felicity Julie."

Mom sighs, "I can relate to her then... Which I'd rather not at all if possible."

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