Chapter 1- the kidnapping

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It was a dark and stormy night. The wind ricocheted around my car; entering through the open window. As I drove down the long and twisting road I danced along to my favourite song- Back in Black by ACDC.

♫ Back in black I hit the sack

I've been too long I'm glad to be back

Yes, I am

Let loose from the noose

That's kept me hanging about ♫

All of a sudden, between the impeccable bass line and the eyewatering lyrics I heard another voice escaping from the darkness beyond my shoulder. A man's voice. What? The voice was as deep as the coal mines in District 12. It was beautiful yet sickening, somehow. It was both a fresh gust of summer breeze and a mouthful of coal dust.

A hand grasped my mouth. It smelled of fresh, warm and homely bread. For some reason, I didn't mind the smell. It was relaxing. Suddenly, I was jerked from the car through the open window. I became aware of the sound of running coming to a stop. My captor, a hunky and buff male, carried me in the crook of his arm, with a bag of flour under the other and carried us off into the night.

The next thing I knew he had put us down and the first light of dawn could be seen above the horizon. How long had I been out? The smell of his freshly baked hands must have been so relaxing. When I awoke my first instinct was to scream but then he began to sing again:

♫ Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me

I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed

She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb

In the shape of an "L" on her forehead ♫

The sweet lullaby sent a shiver down my spine. It was incredible, unlike anything I had ever heard. And then he turned around. The sunlight reflected off his golden quiff, momentarily blinding me. His eyes were as deep as a saucepan and as blue as a pathetic puddle. His face felt familiar- but from where? I couldn't quite place that perfectly chiselled jaw that looked like something carved by the Gods.

Suddenly it struck me- I was looking at the face of THE Peeta Mellark.  

Peeta Mellark and the kidnappingWhere stories live. Discover now