📷 Influencer Mitsuba x Teacher Kou 📚

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HI!!! Most of these one-shots from here to wherever will be requested by @Mellriskyup  Thank you btw for all of them <3 they may all be a bit short idk

Its not exactly "influencer" just kinda well known ig its not the greatest lol

Ill maybe stop writing confessions cuz there's to many lol

Mitsuba and Kou are 27
They're married as well > ^ <

{Kou POV}

It was close to the end of class and i was so done with the day. the kids were fine its just been long and I'm ready to leave and go home

The school bell rang meaning the last period of the day was over

"Ok goodbye everyone you can head to your after school activities if you have them" i smiled

"Goodbye!" The kids said, half of them left for the school gate and some roamed the halls to head to their clubs.

"Finally..." I sighed in relief as i walked down the lit hallways passing
each club and classroom i didn't bother to check

I left the gates and began walking home because my house wasn't to far in order to drive.

"I'm Home!!" I called as I stepped into the house taking off my shoes

Mitsuba took a second to respond so I assumed he was busy

"Hi!!!!" He yelled while running down the stairs to hug me

"How was work?" He let go and held my hands

"nothing special i just wanted it to be over so i could see you!" I kissed his forehead as he flushed a bright red

"But you see me everyday idiot" he averted my eyes

"I know but your usually on your phone talking to your followers and rivals and stuff so i don't talk or see you that much!" I smiled

"Well why don't we go on a date tomorrow then we can have the day just for us!" He looked back at me smiling

"Id love that" I replied

"Well what do you want for dinner then?" I asked

"Its up to you, ill be back down in a minute" he said then ran upstairs

"Hmm" I hummed trying to think of what to make

He cooked something (i had no idea what to put there)

Mitsuba was waiting patiently at the table

We ate our food then decided to watch some tv before going to bed

~Time skip~

"Goodnight, I love you" i said to Mitsuba before falling asleep

"I love you too" Mitsuba said as he clung onto me

We both fell asleep

*They had a date the next day*
A/N- lol i didn't know how to end this ówò
But...i hope you enjoyed!! Sorry its taken me awhile to post
i don't have a reason this time i was just really lazy

Please go eat and drink something ily all and I hope you have a good day/ afternoon/ night. stay safe out there and take care <3

(Includes authors notes)

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