Results - Round 1

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Here are the results! You all did wonderful this round! Only one person is disqualified this round

Honorable Mention - Marella_Redek_KOTLC

Your cover fits the prompt very nicely. You had nice colours, and the correct text. The face claim was a great choice (I love Lindsey) and the font was super nice too! However, there were a few things that could have been worked on. Your font colour was a bit light, and the background and headband were a bit rough, but other than that great job! Your final score was 69/100, so you get 2 points this round.

3rd Place - -MiaMxffin_

Your cover had the right text, but the colours you used weren't exactly pastel. The design was really original and nice, and the fonts were super cool. Only thing I would say is to have fonts that match well with everything else. Your cover was put so smoothly together, that you couldn't even tell it was edited. Your final score was 73/100, so you get 3 points this round

2nd Place - ashvita17

Your cover matched the pastel theme, except for the black crown. Your text was correct, and it was beautiful, bu again, the crown was a bit overwhelming. The fonts were really nice, and went well with your cover, and your editing was quite smooth. All i would say it to remove the black crown. Your final score was 81/100, so you get 5 points this round.

and now, the moment we've all been waiting for. Who won 1st place?

1st Place - sarcastic_angel_

Aria this cover was gorgeous! Everything about it was absolutely perfect, from your face claim, to your fonts, we loved all of it! You used so many different pastel colours, and the text was perfect! Nothing was too overwhelming, and it was very smoothly put together! The only thing was that noting popped out to the eye. You get a final score of 95/100, so you receive 7 points this round! Well done!

Everyone else gets 1 point this round. 

We will be disqualifying hayleywoods1722 this round, because she had the lowest score ( 40/100) and the cover was just a template from canva with a few changes. I'm sorry.

Everyone, round 2 will be here soon!

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