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In 1863 Maria had changed Jasper to help her claim her territory, one night while he was out making sure that anyone that needed aid, got it. He came across a beautiful woman that was being beaten up pretty badly by - what seemed to be her drunk ex-boyfriend, when it looked like he was finished, he pretty much left her for dead. Jasper contemplated if he should change her, she seemed to have such a bright and beautiful life ahead of her and didn't want her stupid lowlife boyfriend to take that away from her.

So against his better judgement and unknowingly to her, he changed her. 

Three days later, she awoke. Throat burning like a bitch, she had no idea what happened to her, the last thing she remembered was the fight she was having with her douche of a boyfriend. She looked around the room she was in, it looked as if it were an abandoned barn. She noticed in the corner of the barn a window with someones' back to her.

"Um, hello?" She questioned trying to keep calm as she had no idea what was going on, let alone that she was now dead.

"Oh, hi ma'am. I'm Jasper Whitlock." He introduced himself trying not to startle the girl anymore than she already was.

"Melanie Walker. I just wanna get straight to the point. What the hell happened to me?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow, eyeing him up and down.

"Uh, right, well.. I saw you getting beaten up pretty badly by your boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend.. I don't wanna assume anything. But I felt as though I couldn't let you die so young I was sure you had a beautiful and bright future ahead of you, I can see you doing great things, Melanie.." He drifted off.

"Thanks? And so, why am I here? What did you do? And why does my throat burn like a bitch?" She cut him off, with him still not have gotten to the point.

"Right, so.. I'm a vampire.. and I kind of .. sort of.. turned you into one as well." He decided to finally blurt it out.

"A what?! No, vampires aren't real. They can't be. This is a joke right? Vampires are just some stupid fairytale we get told to us as kids." She rambled not wanting to believe what she just heard.

Jasper sent a wave of calmness to Melanie so he could tell her everything he knew. When he could tell that she was calm enough for him to start talking, he started explaining everything about Maria, his powers, that he was the youngest major in the Calvary, and finally that he was 19. and that he's going to stay 19 for the rest of eternity. 

Melanie let out a sigh and began telling him that she was 18, and was now going to stay 18 forever. How she worked in a small cafe her parents owned called "Walkers Wine & Dine." How she loved animals and wanted to be a vet, which looks like she had all the time in the world to get that license, and whatever license she wants now that she can't really die. But she also explained that she was very upset now that she can't have kids, ever since she was one she knew that she wanted to be a mother and grow old with the love of her life, but that can't happen anymore. 

"But there is one question that I have." She looked at Jasper with a serious expression.

"Ask away." He gave a small smile, but feeling a little worried as to what the question could be.

"Do all vampires have a special power, like you can feel what everyone around you is feeling, so kind of like an Empath.. do you know of anyone else that has some sort of cool powers like you do?" She looked at him not knowing what to expect from his answer.

"Well, that I'm not too sure of because I haven't been a vampire much longer than you have. But I'm sure that if we stick together we can both help each other figure out the ropes." He said sincerely.

Melanie was the one to give a small smile this time. "I really hope that we do stick together, because there is no way I would be able to survive out in the world alone as a vampire." She let out a small laugh, "I know this is really soon, but I trust you now more than anything, except for my parents. Oh my god, my parents. What am I supposed to tell them now, they'll know something happened since I look like myself, but I also don't. They'll sense something is up when they see me. What are we supposed to do now?" She started talking and freaking out now that she just realized that they need figure something out to tell her parents. Jasper again, sent her a wave of calmness.

"Thank you," she sighed.

"Well I have one suggestion, but I don't know what you'll think about it. We can always tell them that your ex killed you when he was drunk and angry and decided to start another fight with you." He started explaining.

She nodded taking it all in, "It doesn't seem that far fetched since he has been doing that all the time recently. My parents have seen the state I've been in once he decides enough is enough for that night.. but who's gonna tell them?" She looked at him biting her lip.

"I will, and you can hide somewhere close since all of your senses have been heightened." He suggested. 

"Thank you, I don't think I'd trust anyone else to do that as of now, now that I'm a.. well you know. I don't want anyone that's part of my family or friends to know about it. I'm kind of a lone wolf now. " She shrugged, "When should we tell them?" Melanie looked at him.

Jasper thought about it for a few seconds. "What about tomorrow, early afternoon?" 

"That sounds like the perfect time, but I just can't get over that it'll be my last time seeing them." She expressed sadly.

Jasper gave her a sympathetic look, "I know, I'm really sorry about that."

"I suppose it was for the best, I mean you did kind of save my life." She gave a small warm smile.

He let out a small laugh. "Yeah that's true, now lets go hunt so your throat will stop burning, well at least make it more bearable." 

A/N: I know it seems like this is supposed to be a Jasper x OC fanfic, but it's not! I'm just working her background in and how she's going to meet and fit in with the Cullens. She's obviously most likely be the closest with Jasper, or one of the closest.

p.s. I know this is kind of bad, but I hope my writing and ideas get better. so don't @ me! haha.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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