Chapter 2

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A guilt ridden puppet of Emotions.

Louis didn't know what he would do, If this continues, He honestly didn't know what he would do.

He just hates this, He hates how Harry and Anaya sneak into the room, How They are always so touchy, How they are always joking around, He hates how they are so in love.

He truly wished that was him, He doesn't hate Anaya, No, But when he sees her with Harry, He doesn't know what happens to him, He starts feeling like it should be him instead of Her.
He feels bad for treating Anaya the way he does, But he can't just help it, He can't help it at all.
Being friendly with someone who is together with the person you love? Impossible.
Was he jealous? No,
Was he jealous? Um Maybe?
Was. He. Jealous? Okay he was.

He never wanted anything so bad like how he wanted it to be him instead of Her.

Safe to say, After seeing Anna Taking Harry somewhere, He couldn't keep his cool, He got mad at Anaya, more than he already was. He hated feeling like this, Truly.
And When Anna came back and Harry following her not soon after and how they stole sneaking glances at eachother the whole time, He really wished it was him.


“Anna, What are you gonna wear for tonight's dinner? ” Gemma asked.

“Black” she replied without hesitation.

“You can't wear black today, You wear black allllll thheeee time, Please wear white”

“White? That sounds good too, i don't really care as long as it's not colours, Plus I'll look less good in white, So Really none of the princes who are there for the gathering today would come up to me” Anna smirked, She really didn't want to talk to anyone.

“Oh shut up, You know you look great in everything” Gemma said sternly.

“But i really love wearing black, Gemmm”

Gemma knew how much Anna loved wearing black, But she really wanted her to wear white, Gemma has never seen her in anything other than black before and wearing white wouldn't harm.

“Pretty please?? ” Gemma gave her the best puppy eyes she could.

“only for you” Anna rolled her eyes at Gemma's silly acts, Though Wearing white wouldn't be that bad right?

Anna didn't like wearing white much, because it stains a lot and If one knows Anna even a bit, then they know how clumsy she can be.
But it's just a dinner, what could possibly go wrong?

- Time skipped to Dinner-

Anna admired herself in the mirror. She let her long dark hair fall on her back, Braided from the sides of her head, Leaving some strands to fall on her face,her Elegant white dress beautifully resting on her skin showing off her curves,It was a perfect dress for a princess though it didn't really match her vibe,The material of the dress was soft. She looked pretty which had it's pros and cons.
She really didn't need any prince coming up to her.

She walked out of the room and towards the great hall, The great hall was big sure, With so many pillars and corners, It had a balcony which gave a really pretty view of the beach, A view which is really the best at night when the Moon shines in all it's Glory.
She loved watching the moon, And if things go perfectly then maybe she'll sneak out to the balcony, that'll be perfect.

On her way to the great hall, She started getting nervous.
She had never been with humans other than the people from her kingdom, People of Zemira and some of H and Gem's friends.
She used her magic to ease her nerves.

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