Giantcello and the McDonald's trash borrower

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You woke up warm and comfy, pushing the blankets off of your normal-sized body and getting out of bed.


No no no, you instead woke up behind the McDonald's dumpster to a chilly breeze. Usually, the hot grease and garbage were warm enough to survive the winter, but you weren't sure you'd make it through this one. It was far colder than you had ever remembered it being during the winter, and you huddled inside an empty cup that was fragrant with tea. Footsteps shook the ground, and a colorful glow caught your attention. What was that? Surely it wasn't one of those rectangles that humans loved so much. It looked more like smoke. You chanced a glimpse out of the cup, and that was when you saw him.

A towering man with brown shoes and teal pants leaned against the large trash bin, smoking something that looked like a cigarette but glowed a luminescent green. He started coughing, bending down at the waist. Your eyes locked with his, and his widened, prompting him to cough harder. You wanted to run, but would he be okay? Logic won over for the sliver of the moment, and your eyes darted about in search of an escape route. When he stopped coughing, he looked down in curiosity.

"Hey there little fella. Aren'tcha cold out here?" The man reached down and trapped you in his hand, bringing you up to his face and frowning. "You're freezing little buddy." His voice was low and scratchy, and he had a shock of vibrant teal hair to match his eccentric clothing choice.

Your panic froze you solid faster than any weather could, your body rigid in his hands. His fingerless gloves smelled faintly of cigarette smoke, but also a bit like the greasy food you were so familiar with. It was warmer being held than being on the ground, but you weren't so sure this was a fate any better than freezing to death. He looked at you quizzically, his eyes shaded by his hat. The glow of the smog all around him made them visible, but just barely.

"Little fella? Ah, you must be too cold to speak. Don't worry, I got you covered." He gave a kind smile, but something was wrong with the picture. His canines weren't typical teeth, but fangs that sliced through the smoke like sabers. They were also getting closer to you. Wait, closer? Your head caught up with your body, and you let out a shriek as he opened wide and prepared to stuff you into his mouth. He stopped and tilted his head, appearing confused. His smokey breath washed over you. He wasn't trying to eat you at all, he was breathing his hot air over you and warming you up. You trembled in fear as he cupped you in both hands and warmed you up.

"There you go little fella, now let's get you out of this cold." He closed both of his hands around you in a cocoon, trapping in the warmth but having a small hole you could breathe out of and he could look at you through. "The alley where I stay isn't too far from here, and I've got a nice setup. Some old lady at the charity house gave me a solar-powered space heater and a tent a few weeks ago. And that was that. There was no escape for now, but at least you were warm.

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