Chapter one

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Laurel ran a hand through her dark brown hair, and glanced nervously at Andrew. Letting out a sigh, Andrew nudged her slightly. "Go talk to him" His voice was slightly bemused and a wry smile sat upon his lips. "what?" she raised her eyebrows. "I just think it's silly that you think he won't like you!" Andrew pointed to Chris, whom Laurel was already looking at.

Chris Newman was the type of boy your parents would invite over to dinner, and he would help them set the table. The type who was captain of almost every sports team, but also participated in debating team, chess and got straight A's. The type that would play football on the weekend, yet still somehow have time to help out at the local animal pound or clean rubbish around the bay. Yes, Chris was an all around good guy. Funny, popular, nice, smart and good looking.

Andrew snapped Laurel out of her stare. Andrew was Laurel's best friend, who just so happened to be gay. He was on the football team, which Chris was the captain of. Andrew, like Chris, was a nice guy, but he wasn't as perfect. He liked to help out in his community, but would rather shoot hoops or lounge around. He was clever, but struggled in a few of his subjects. His family wasn't perfect, but they were extremely loving, especially towards Andrew coming out when he was 14, which was now 3 years ago. But most of all, he was the best friend Laurel could ever wish for.

"Yeah, yeah you're right. I shouldn't doubt myself. But I don't want to go alone! Come with me!" Laurel grabbed his wrist pulling him over to Chris who was leaning against the brick wall outside the school, typing something into his phone.

Laurel opened her mouth to speak, but closed it almost instantly. That wave of confidence she had had passed, leaving her feeling like her heart was in her throat and that her ribs were slowly closing around her.

Sensing that she wasn't going to say anything, Andrew butted in. "Hey! Chris, what's up?"

"Oh! Hey Drew! I'm good, man! How 'bout you? How are you holding up?" Chris refered to Andrew by his nickname, and nudged Andrew's slightly toned arm.

"Pretty awesome so far. Oh, this is my friend-" 'Drew started.

"Laurel. My name's Laurel" She spoke up, looking up, her eyes catching Chris's beautiful hazel ones. He held the gaze for a few split seconds and smiled directly at her. She could practically feel herself melting already.

"Oh, I know you! You're in my history class, right?" Chris's smile could probably make anyone feel warm inside.

"Guilty as charged" Laurel twirled a strand of her hair. Of course it was nothing subconscious, but nobody had to know that.

Chris was about to say something but his phone let out a sharp 'ping', causing him to look at what it was.

His eyes scanned whatever was on his phone and ever so slightly you almost couldn't tell, his shoulders slumped, his knees and neck bent.

"What is it?" Andrew, who noticed first asked.

"I- uh- it's just- my um girlfriend"- to this Chris gave an off kilter laugh, but stopped abruptly- "she just texted me saying we're over" his brows furrowed as if he couldn't quite process it.

"Oh man. That's cruel. Who does that?" Andrew started, shaking his head slightly.

Laurel was too shocked to say anything stared at the ground. Was this fate? She thought. It had to be!

Andrew placed a hand on Chris's broad shoulder. "Who would do such a-" he started but Chris simply shook him off.

"No no, I can't blame her. It's not like we were in love or anything. We were good friends at best"

Laurels mouth was dry and her hands were clammy. Why did this always have to happen when she was in a metre of him? And also, she thought, how could anybody not love Chris?

"Well, in that case it's time for you to play the field! Meet someone new! Say, how about we go out for pizza to celebrate that we're all single and ready to mingle!" Andrew nudged Laurel, as if to say "time to make your move!"

"Sounds good. I'll, uh, call you" Chris was smiling thinly and his eyebrows were still furrowed.

"Call Laurel instead. My phone's getting fixed"

"Ohh, yep!" Laurel exclaimed, her heart racing as she gave him her number.

"Well it's nice seeing you two! I'll call you later!" Chris said his goodbyes and made his way to the front gate.

Laurel and Andrew walked in unison. "Your phone is not getting fixed!" Laurel shoved Andrew to the side slightly.

"No, but it did make him get your number, didn't it?"

They both walked along, laurel grinning like a maniac and Andrew laughing.

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